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With the (re)introduction of flirty patients in 0.0.3 I felt the system I was using to determine the outcome of the examinations wasn't quite right. That's because it gave or took points from the players based on their actions or questions, while many other things were not considered at all.

So, starting with next monday's release, the whole outcome will be redesigned. Now each patient will start with some level of "trust" in you (i.e. Rita's trust will be "Standard" while Clara's will be "Poor"). Your very actions in the exam as a whole could give you up to 20 points, which will increase (or decrease) that level of trust. Even the flirty options can improve or lower this trust.

The more trustworthy you are the more your patient will be inclined to listen to you (about everything).

For those of you who like schematics and formulaes:

Maximum points awarded per phase:

Questions:    3

Asking to undress     2

Examination     6

Diagnosis      4

Follow up     3

Dismissal     2

Levels of trust:

In this way you'll be "judged" not only by your actions, but also by the trust that every patients has in your abilities. In future developments even the "Knowledge" and "Charm" stats will be integrated in determining the examinations' outcome.



That sounds good. : )