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Today I want to introduce you to Anne, the 4th patient you will meet in the game. Her examination will introduce a new layer of simulation to the experience, something that will be completed in future updates.

I'm talking about sounds. Every time you'll examine her abdomen you'll be prompted to choose if you wish to hear her breathing and/or her heart sounds, hearing what a real practitioner would hear in that situation.

Every breath and heart sound will be different for each patient, since they will reflect the state of their own health. In the next release only Anne will have sounds added to her exam, while I will add sounds to Rita, Clara and Paul's exam too in 0.0.4.

The picture shown is of course work in progress.

Thank you for following this page and this game.



Silent Six

Is it me or is it after the first 2 patient the game just sims through everything?

Bruni Multimedia

The game is in Alpha state right now (a preview version that's very far from being completed), last release is 0.0.2 and it ends after the first two exams and a minor event. I invite you to read my posts here about what's coming in next alpha versione 0.0.3 (two more exams, minor events and a major storyline). I will add an "ending" message to tell people where the preview ends. As of the version you're playing the days after the first two exams are mere placeholders for things to come.