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Bronze Billy Rewards

  • Adventure Time S3 Episode 3-4 REACTOIN REACTION

Silver Billy Rewards

  • Adventure Time S5 Episode 9-12 REACTION




I don't mean to be THAT guy, but could we get an idea of when the One Piece LA be up? And will it only bulk release for Diamond?

Kay M

Even if they binged the whole show today the editors need a lot of time to edit the videos so I wouldn’t expect it to be out today regardless of what tier it’s for


Did silver already catch up to diamond on adventure time?🤨

Sydney Horton

This is the last day to watch Dreamworks' Rise of The Gaurdians on Netflix. Please oh please react to it.

sippy cup

a month without new adventure time 😞

Jose Perez

Ngl wasn't expecting the live action. Only seen episode 1 myself but I know you'll love it. Saw it at midnight release lol

Erryl Osite

I was really hoping for new adventure time. Hopefully we'll get some next week!


They might be waiting for a bit since diamond is a little bit further ahead


It looked to me that kid you were trying to know about in the Roger execution was Smoker!


With the live action One Piece, which I think is great. I have tried to get my Grandma into anime. But she just dose not like it, well I had her watch the first episode of the live action. And she actually really enjoyed it, so now we are watching and it's awesome. So I really hope it does well enough to continue, because it will be a blast to be able to share something, that I truly enjoy with her that I never thought I would be able to.

Karman Wilmot

I did it....I bought the transponder snail coin bank😅. Man it's pricey! But SO worth it😌👍. I freaking LOVE the live action adaptation!! They did such a great job! I watched it by myself first, then hopped on over here to watch you guys watch it. I agree with you guys on everything! I REALLY hope that the community doesn't fuck this up. This show needs a season two! I BET this will be the best anime/manga live action adaptation ever😁. I told one of my housemates that I was excited to watch this show and he grimaced and shook his head.... because of the whole past anime/manga adaptation fails thing. I told him that I don't care if it's different or a little cheesy, I'm gonna love this show no matter what! All this love and hard work put into it, it NEEDS to be recognized and not picked apart and hated on. Any fan of One Piece that hates on this show isn't a real fan to me. Toxic fans upset me, I can't stand them. I think it will get a season two, for sure! But if maybe 50% or less support this show....it may not continue. I will be so pissed if that happens because of toxic fans.

Josh Lomax

Love the live action One Piece. Literally binged all 8 yesterday and then immediately restarted with your reactions, which were absolutely tremendous. Can't wait for you guys to polish off the last half