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After the subtitles massively spoiled a huge moment in Korra's finale we've heard from the community that this WILL happen again.

We would absolutely much prefer to continue without subtitles so we don't get spoiled and ruin the reaction

But we know ya large chunk of you care about subtitles a lot and we don't want to just turn them off since at the end of the day you're enjoyment of the videos are more integral then our personal viewing enjoyment



At that point we might as well be spoiled anyways. Please do not do this.


Alyssa Hernandez

Would absolutely have the subtitles in any other case but y'all not being spoiled is the whole point of a reaction so my vote is no subs. Maybe a bit of a volume increase for the audience?


Maybe you can generate the subtitles automatically after you've done recording

Eric Mohn

can you find out exactly when the spoils are and turn them off for those parts?


English is not my native language and that helped me to see the episodes, also when there is conversation between you it helps to be in context, but if they ruin the moment for situations like this, then turn them off

Kayla Ryan

They said in the post that they don't want to know the specific episodes


Personally, it's smart to have them off, but sometimes you guys talk over missing some important things, but it's par for the course it's a reaction after all. So yea, no subs


Oof, it's difficult to decide. I like the subtitles cause it allows discussions without you guys missing stuff, and quite frankly I can only think of one other time that subtitles spoil a big moment. Overall I think it's better to have them on bc the benefits outweigh the detriments. But I understand if you want the full experience of the big surprises. If you guys do turn them off, it would be better to be more liberal with the pausing, so you don't talk over dialogue, imo!


I prefer no sub to avoid spoilers, but could you guys try to rewind if you talk over a lot of stuff. Missing key things is almost as bad as spoilers imo

Stash Jones

I prefer subtitles so I can understand what everyone is saying, but I agree with some of the other comments here. I think it'd be best if you turned off subtitles so you don't get spoiled but also please pause/rewind if you're going to say something so you don't miss dialogue (and so I know what's being said in the show).


If you turn off the subtitles, PLEASE pause and rewind when you start talking at length, otherwise you'll miss tons of stuff. You can never pause too much, so feel free to be trigger happy with those.


I can only think of 1 major moment this happened bc it happened to another reaction group but if it's more frequent than that 1 time then maybe yeah, just pausing more as other people mentioned sounds like a good trade off.


I’d say turn the subtitles off but rewind the episode by a few seconds after a pause or discussion to make sure you get everything. You guys usually do that anyway though.

Bryan Matola

My only concern is missed context. I still can’t think about the Dai Li without also thinking about mayonnaise.

Бекболат Жусипбай

Info in advance, Korra season 2 is the weakest one. However, even If you would be disappointed, please continue the show. Season 3 is absolute peak and number 4 is very good

Liam Rose

I have a hard time with audio processing so the subtitles are really helpful for me (especially when people are talking over the show audio). I get why you'd want to turn them off if they're spoiling things though. I have the same issue with Overwatch where they only bother to subtitle half of the new voice lines they add, it's really frustrating that so many companies cheap out on accessibility features.

Jose Perez

Like the foresight to say not tell when to turn them off. Feel like a lot would've lol


I agree with this. I have a hard time focusing when they talk over the show, but the subtitles help me keep track of things.

Reaper Scythe

I prefer the subtitles but if you do turn them off just turn the shows up a little for us. I have trouble distinguishing between sounds if they're all happening at once and you guys are louder than the shows. Obviously because this whole thing is about your reactions so I get why but it makes it a little hard to follow if it's a show I haven't seen in a while.


Tbh it's a hard choice, bc I don't want you to get spoiled, but subtitles are really good/important for people with auditory processing issues, or general hearing issues. Maybe if possible, turn them off when watching and then use auto generated captions when uploading the videos?

Brye Baker

I would be 100% cool with no subtitles on any English show, maybe just turn the volume up for us a little to make it easier to follow the show too. And in general, any pausing you do to talk doesn’t bother me and I’d much rather see you guys pause and even rewind if you miss how something is said if you wanna discuss something.

Kemi Stanton

This is where I stand on it, personally. I have audio processing issues and prefer to always have subtitles on for anything I'm watching. But it is really annoying how the captions are so far ahead sometimes and ruin an important line delivery. Even though sometimes they can be off/goofy auto generated sounds like a good compromise to me

Ranginald Vagel

Would it be too hard to ask for editing in subtitles in post? I don't mind if the videos take longer personally but there is extra setup and work in it. Basically play it twice with pause controlling both and record subtitles version.


Couldn't you watch without subtitles, but during editing use footage of the episode with subtitles on? It'll definitely be a lot of work syncing the video footage but it may be worth it


My only issue with not watching with subtitles is you guys and us not hearing what they say when you guys are talking as things are happening.


What was the spoiler? Aang?

Sammy K

What was the spoiler? I feel like the subtitles did a good job of not revealing whose talking. Although i agree there are multiple spoilers in Korra

Brock Percle

It’s an English show, fk subtitles


The problem is, as everybody’s saying, you guys talk a lot, and even then you end up still missing some stuff. Subtitles are good for when you’re ranting about mayonnaise and stuff.