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Bronze Billy Rewards

Silver Billy Rewards

Diamond Billy Rewards

  • DBZ Abridged Episode 48-49 REACTION
  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Episode 3-4 REACTION
  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Episode 1-2 REACTION




It's always sunny? Holy shit. You guys just keep the hits coming

Son Goku

Are you going to do more big dumps of dbza?


Also I think that episodes 3 and 4 got posted twice - it plays when you click on 1 and 2 as well


Is it me or does DBZA diamond always drop on Saturday? I thought the diamond tier wasn’t supposed to have a schedule but it looks like DBZA diamond does. To me it feels like the diamond tier is just a scheduled super super super early access instead of what the post regarding diamond tier described it to be.


My guess is that editors have they own schedule on when dbza gets edited. Which probably why dbza diamond always drops on saturdays.


Oh shiiit Always Sunny??? Niiiice


Hey guys I wanted to suggest a great tv series called "The Good Place". It has 4 seasons and was created by the people who created "The Office." It's a great, endearing show about the next phase in life after death with a wonderful cast. All episodes are connected even when it seems like filler and has secrets that can be uncovered. It is so good, I highly suggest it.

King Joe

If you guys are going to start watching the original Dragon Ball Z series, yes, Kai may have cut out all the fillers, but the dialogue is watered down to kid friendly. I the dialogue was more engaging or intense. the OG DBZ, with the Bruce Faulkner rock music had the testosterone pumping and intensity on blast. I can get you a list of all the plot driven episodes cutting out the filler


It’s the opposite. Kai made the dialogue more accurate to the manga, which made it overall less kid friendly (more formal words, more coarse language, less jokes) than the original Z dub.


It's funny how you can say something just blatantly wrong. The Kai dub, especially the real version, not the one that aired on Nickelodean, is much less kid friendly.