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Bronze Billy Rewards

Silver Billy Rewards

-  Avatar S3 Episode 10 REACTION 

- Avatar S3 Episode 11 REACTION

Diamond Billy Rewards

Avatar S3 Episode 12 REACTION

- DuckTales S2 Episode 20 REACTION

- DuckTales S2 Episode 21 REACTION

- DuckTales S2 Episode 22 REACTION




You don't know how long I've been waiting for these Avatar reactions.


I like the small detail of Lena not wearing her shoes in the beginning of this episode. Throughout S1, she always wore them. I’m assuming she must’ve been afraid that if anyone started to suspect what she was up to, she’d need to make a quick getaway. This is the first time/sleepover where she has nothing to worry about, (for the most part), and can just relax and have a good time with her friends. I also love the way it shows Lena’s trauma: how Magica’s treatment has affected her. Struggling with her feelings about feeling worthless because that’s what she’s been told by Magica her entire life, being called a traitor and a monster (a call back to the Other Bin episode of S1 that showed Lena’s nightmare), and Lena desperately doing her best to not be like Magica and come into her own.


For some reason the She-Ra videos ran fine and I thought maybe y'all figured out why everything was lagging, went back to SU videos and they were lagging still, and Avatar is also so bad :( I know it's not my connection because YouTube and in-app Patreon, music streaming, ect. All run fine


Fun fact: the person who wrote the original Nimona graphic novel is also the creator of She-ra!! Also you should totally read the Nimona graphic novel if you have time. They had to make the movie family friendly for kids, but the original comic was written for adults, and delves into things a lot more.


That would be a player issue or internet issue. We use streamable as the hoster, the same hoster we’ve always used pretty much. The video lagging issues has nothing to do with the site we’ve gone through and confirmed this. She-Ra uses the exact same player as the others. We would love to find better players but unfortunately streamable is the best option we’re aware of that won’t try to charge us 10,000 a month. We’re always open to trying something new if people have recommendations but if you’re having an issue on the website the same issue would happen on Patreon unfortunately


I just went back to the She-Ra video and it's still running fine, no lagging at all, but Avatar and SU aren't working the same 😭 I don't know what's up then RIP

Jason Rodriguez

In the same boat as you. Tried the duck tales and the blind bandit and those are working great but the new avatars are lagging😣


Huh, that's not an option for me??? I'll get on my laptop later and see if I can change it there 🤔 thank you !


OH IM STUPID. Okay, it let my change the quality once I minimized the screen. Changed it and it's running fine now woo! Thank you again 🙏💕


Fun Fact: Serena Williams, who became a *huge* fan of Avatar while the show was still airing, actually voiced the female prison guard (the one named Ming) in this episode.


are you guys gonna upload these rewards? did I miss a post about it? not like before where it was the series itself. also weren't we getting ep 12 for silver as well because u guys didn't upload 2 last week?


but the third one is for diamond? shouldn't silvers have acces to it aswell since like u said we had one last week

Metis Rose

Episode 12 is there its just off because of Netflix numbering. Did both parts of Black Sun as a single episode

Metis Rose

Seriously debating with myself about upgrading to Diamond lol. Tuesday is my favorite day of the week because of these.

Metis Rose

No ignore the numbers. Black Sun parts 1 & 2 is episode "10". Western Air Temple is "11"


@Cold_Cyber Episode 10 was two episodes, it was just framed as one because of Hulu, it was almost an hour long as a result. Combined with episode 11 and you have 3 episodes.


Hi I can't watch any single avatar episode Is there a problem to the website or something? Thank you!


I'm not having any troubles- you commented this 40 mins ago tho so maybe they fixed it if something was wrong?

Esteban Garcia maldonado

Wait so so fucking confused y’all won’t be posting here anymore and I thought y’all always posted avatar on Tuesdays what happened?? Y’all telling me y’all charging more money so we could see it or what!? Cuz in the website it says it’s 25$


hey hey! did you try signing into their website through patreon? it'll give you patron access on there if you haven't already!


Man patreon rlly f***** me, I'd love to get diamond billy for this month cuz Avatar but since i got silver for a whole year already I can only upgrade to a whole year of diamond :(


Bud I think you need to watch the pinned video they posged

Frederic Faddoul

Wait, I thought Silver were getting 3 episodes of Avatar today because it was only one last week...?

Kayla Ryan

They did. They did episodes 10 + 11 in one video (the episode 10 link) and then episode 12 (the episode 11 link)

Jimmy Wise

Im getting some baaaad lag watching Avatar 3×10, no matter which device i try on...unless i drop the quality to 360p


It’s not, but I’d you could clarify what issues you’re experiencing we can maybe help. A comment like this unfortunately doesn’t give us anything to work with


Pinned message is important to watch. No we are not charging more money. What you had with the silver tier has not changed


Could be an internet issue, not really sure. Streamable isn’t perfect but it’s the best option we’ve been able to find for video hosting with the least amount of issues. It’s what we’ve pretty much always used


Is there a way to stay logged in? it asks me to log in with patreon every time I open a new episode (without me clearing my cache or anything), not a big deal, but it would be nice if I didn't have to.


Am I trippin'? Where are the Regular Show uploads?


Regular show isn’t out yet. It replaced Ben 10 AF. It would come out when Ben 10 AF ends depending on which tier you’re at


Oh, ok. I just remember getting an email with regular show links


We just spent like an hour trying to replicate it and we stayed logged in every time across various browsers. Our website dev said this is how the patreon plugin works


“But it saves a cookie if they have cookies blocked or disabled that would cause the login to not work.”


So make sure you don’t have cookies blocked/disabled and you shouldn’t have that issue


Why no Silver Ducktales episodes


Boom if you listen to an audio book can you say you read it?


it was in the silver package with Ben 10 only reason why I bought it


It wasn’t, as I stated DuckTales has never been a silver series. It has always been bronze and we bulk released some to diamond in our last batch of recording.