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Also a lot of the people who worked on the show were actually marine biologists so environments and certain fish characters are very accurate like goo lagoon which is a real thing you can find in the ocean

Dylan Singewald

Even if you don't do a whole series on spongebob I highly recommend you watch the first spongebob movie as it's actually incredible


I love you guys reacting to SpongeBob!

The Amazing Webhead

Hope they watch all of Invader Zim as well. ^^




oh i cannot WAIT for yall to get to the Spongebob Movie, peak of cinema


since we managed to bully boom and seeohknee into watching spongebob, we should now start with bullying ruff watching star wars. Everyone should like this comment

Callum Ringsy

I dunno if you know or if someone already said, but Spongebob's VA is also the Ice King in Adventure Time xD

Artful Endeavours

I normally can’t stand SpongeBob but I’ll give ita go with y’all.


Oh god how many SpongeBob episodes are there?! Lol


well it's still going so a lot, but after the movie they really lost their luster


This show is amazing until the episodes after the movie then it losses a lot of its luster


My body is ready.


The creator was a Marine Biologist

Kemi Stanton

SpongeBob is such a pervasive pop culture icon I am genuinely shocked there are people who haven't seen at least a few episodes before! This is a special treat. Also oh hi hello! I don't think I've ever seen Bree before! Love seeing a new face


This is not something I expected, but sure, I'm down!


Wait really? I didn't know that, but I guess it makes sense.


If I can nake a recommendation off of this, Ed Edd N Eddy. It also has very chaotic nature to it, while being very funny. Much more slapstick, though I don't remember the first episodes that well.


I'm down with this but I hope you're not planning on doing more than a couple seasons lol. the quality dip is sharp


Y'all would probably enjoy the hell out of Venture Bros. I'd suggest the movie, but that'll be built off of the six seasons preceeding it.

Josh avarada

Now that you all have seen a bit of SpongeBob, You guys should watch the OG SpongeBob movie from early 2000's as your movie reaction

Gabriel Vespa

lol I love it, hopefully you guys react to more and then eventually the movie

the one

I think i speak for everyone when i say u guys gotta do season 1-3. These are considered the pinnacle of the series along with the first movie.

the one

Also its my all time favorite cartoon, with avatar, ben 10, and adventure time right behind it.

Geo Beast


JRax 17

SpongeBob is fucking amazing man Squidward is one of the greatest characters ever conceived


Have ya boys play Detroit Become Human because the voice actor for Mr. Krabs is the same for Hank Anderson the detective with the android Connor

Bowie Jenne

I can’t believe Ruff apparently is a big SpongeBob fan, but Boom is the one to tell him Mr. Krabs is Clancy Brown.

Whitney Williams

Whenever I think of SpongeBob I always think of these early episodes. Really takes me down memory lane


more spongebob!!!!pls


This is not a show that I would watch on my own, but watching you react to it was actually fun!


Would definitely love to see more of these Spongebob reactions! (the first 3 seasons at least)