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Team horde for sure.


I dislike Sea Hawk because he reminds me of Don Karnage from ducktales who's my least favorite villain. Catra is amazing tho

Asad Khabir

Seahawk was fine but Catra!? Hman I think we may have problems. How can you hate the personification of 'Gaslight, Gatekeep and Girl boss 💅'

Ultra Instincts Shu



How can you hate catra when glimmer is right there.


I was really hoping for double episodes 😩 but next week is gonna be good. Can’t wait for the s1 finale


Seahawk AND Catra!? That’s like a declaration of war. 😂


Na H man i'm done no longer will i be a H fan hating on the best written character in the show now? Boom is my new fav all hail team Boom.




Love your reaction and I'm happy to see u guys reacting to more episodes of She-ra, I just hope u dont overwork yourselves with so many reactions. Also to clarify, I meant it can be unhealthy to Not Care about why u like/dislike things/someone. Because (from personal experience) it can lead to mental issues/harm that the longer u keep ignoring/not caring about will lead to more and more new things u dont care about yourself. Regardless if u come accross as mean or not in the proccess it still creates a heavy load on ur mental state. I managed to get better by finally finding out for myself the reason why I felt the way I did about one thing. Then I moved on to the next then the next and for every answer I found it made me loose more and more of that heavy load on my mind. It didnt matter if the reasons I found out were good or bad what mattered was that the answers revealed to me who I was as a person. Im only telling u guys this because I just wanna warn people of what can happen, i dont mean its unhealthy to not have a reason for ur feelings I mean it can be unhealthy to not care about them. I hope my earlier comment in the previous She-Ra reaction didn't come accross as mean, Im sorry if it did. I hope you guys continue to enjoy the show and even if u dont I still really love the commentary and jokes u all bring to the reactions. :)


She's an antagonist, that's enough of a reason to dislike her on some level. Not implying that I do, but it makes sense.

Lucas Barros



I meaaaann I get it. I dislike Catra's behavior 100%, she makes a good villain though. And her behavior does make sense with the info on her upbringing, She's just emulating what she was subjected to. But that doesn't make everything fine, she really sucks half of the time.

Kemi Stanton

Just because an antagonist is complicated and has valid reasons behind their behaviour doesn't mean you can't dislike them. I love Catra and she's a very compelling villain for this reason, it's totally reasonable to just not like her lol


Did i just upgrade to diamond to get all the shera? Yes, yes i did

Kemi Stanton

Also I just wanna say that I appreciate H-man pointing out the gaslighting and how all of you pointed out that nobody really is talking about Entrapta in bright moon either. Like it isn't as thought they didn't like her but idk maybe it's because I'm also autistic I'm sensitive to it but they never seemed to try to understand her and the way they moved on that fast felt dirtyyyy


Gotta agree! The princesses attitude towards Entrapta isn't all that great, I have ADHD and the way they treat her is something I can relate to. It's not a dislike but it's not super loving or understanding either, it's a very difficult and unhappy medium. When the fandom was about I saw a lot of other neurodivergent folks feel similarly.

Ultra Instincts Shu

ngl im fighting myself to not do it... but i need to see the reaction to the next episode.. i remember tearing up broken watching it .. i love catra


Top 3 episode next week

Kemi Stanton

It can be difficult to adapt to and understand somebody's way of thinking early on in a friendship and I think most of the early stuff is like growing pains. But it isn't the main focus of the show, so the lack of focus on it makes it feel a bit... idk. Bow seemed to be the only one who really vibed with her, the rest I can wave off as neutral. But Perfuma... that leashing her with vines thing really left a gross taste in my mouth.

Dotty Davis

...ok, I let Seahawk slide, but Catra too?! I'm sorry, Hman, but you have crossed the line, Ruff is my new favorite (mostly joking, everyone's entitled to their own opinions)


I'm not surprised Hman doesn't like catra (though I expected it to happen a bit later). It seems to fit in line with other characters he doesn't like / hate (pearl, in the past at least, for example), with characters performing some pretty questionably immoral actions that are actually pretty relatable to what real people do that sucks a lot (gas lighting, open pettiness, overprotectiveness, etc). But that just makes his hate towards seahawk all the more vexing. Seahawk has literally done no immoral actions (unless you consider setting his boats on fire evil) I think part of the reason it's so weird is that he has been so defensive over things like pearl hate (Which I totally get), with reasonable arguments that he kind of seems to pride himself in, and with seahawk he's just like 'I hate him, deal with it', that just seems very odd in comparison, and to many, literally unreasonable. But, like anyone and everyone, You're allowed to have feelings, even petty ones. so whatevs, people can just deal or stew in their own misery about it. Though, ultimately, I think the fans for Catra are of a fanatical level similar to Pearl, which is to say, obviously far more numerous and expressive than seahawk fans, and you might legitimately see some hate these next few weeks. So, Good Luck!

the one

He also dislikes noelle from black clover so add that to the fire. 🔥

Sammy K

Catra is an extremely frustrating character but one thing to remember when you question her motives is that she is a traumatized child solider of war, all she ever wanted was to be equal to Adora and receive the same respect as her, even if that means theyre on opposing sides


The next episode is one of the best in the series. You should start doing two a week


Oh man hman doesn’t even like s1 Catra 😭😭 he is not gonna be happy later LMFAO


Can you guys watch the rise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie


A good villain doesn't have to be liked, as long as you can enjoy hating them.


Oh, yeah. The main reason Entrapta didn't escape was because she wasn't really aware she was a prisoner.

Beef Gristle Mill

i mainly love Catra for the fact that she's voiced by Stevonnie's voice actress, but she is a huge asshole sometimes.

justin trimble

This has nothing to do with the video but your profile name and picture made my day thankyou

Tabatha Cat

I adore Catra, but I can't justify it. She really does do horrible things.