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he definitely said an arbys raptor lol

Ranginald Vagel

Idk why but that cartwheel is like a core memory for me it’s burned into my brain from when I watched it at like 13


same here I just remember that whole cheerleader scene


This video is probably the one I laughed the most with, I love this 😂

Reaper Scythe

Yeah, my childhood dog was a loudmouth but wouldn't do more than bark at most people. She used to go instantly vicious when the postman came on his motorbike, tho. It wasn't her fault. She was kicked by a shitty scumbag postie when she was a puppy. She hated any motorbikes but she was always only vicious when she saw it was the postie. Posties and old religious ladies selling bibles. I don't know what she had against the old ladies, tho.


actually Electroboom made a video about putting metal in the microwave and he was extremely disappointed that nothing really happens, basically as long as the metal don't touch the walls its it actually pretty safe. can watch it here: watch?v=OyTmJX_TC84

William Timmins

Just remember, law enforcement is a very deadly occupation, only surpassed by pizza delivery, garbage collection, landscaping, trucking, piloting, fishing, roofing, logging, and about ten other professions. ( https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states )


Dude there needs to be a study on this phenomenon bc I thought it was just me lol