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Since tanjiros hinokani kagura(sun breathing) was the first form of breather ever and all other forms were derived from it, he is able to use all forms of breathing


That’s not necessarily true. There’s nothing that ever states anyone is restricted on what breathing forms they can learn. You just can’t fully master ones you don’t have an affinity for

Lijnaito2021 !

You guys were wondering about her hair color. Well it was actually explained in the taisho era secret on episode 10 but y'all went straight to 11. The reason that her hair turned that color was because she would eat 170 saukra rice cakes a day those pink and green desserts that she was excited about because she ate so many of them. It literally turned her hair color


Go back and watch the first season. There is a line of dialog that explains why most people don’t do it


There’s dialogue in season 2 about how previous swordsman took inspiration and techniques from multiple sources to use their full potential Tanjiro didn’t even use thunder breathing here, he used a core aspect of it


love it, been waiting all day for this! Ive read the manga in full twice and its like Hman said its not the greatest/deepest of story but it gets played out so well its still a ton of fun. Personally I think there will likely be 2 seasons more not 3 but its really going to depend on how they adapt the rest particularly with how far they go with the next season cause whats been announced will I think not be the full season

Brian Sexton

Wanted to give you guys my guess for how many seasons of Demon Slayer we've got left. This season cover chapters 98 through 127 of the manga, and there are only 205 chapters, meaning we've got 77 or 78 more to adapt. This season covered 30 chapters in what is the length of 13 and a half standard 22 minute episodes. Knowing what's left to be covered, I hope we get it all in one season, with something around 25 or 26 episodes, potentially less especially if they toss in some hour long ones like they did this season. So probably a 2 cour run, or they could do one season and end with another movie. They COULD split what's left up between two seasons, however I don't think there's a great stopping point for a season that would give an even split for the number of episodes, though it's mostly just my hope that they don't split it up, because I would prefer to consume what's to come all in a single season rather than having to wait a year between the hypothetical seasons 4 and 5, even if that means having to wait longer than normal between this season and the next. Anyways thanks for the reaction guys!


Yeah Im really wondering how they plan to divvy considering whats left and how it all lines up. Should be fire tho either way but personally I think its likely 2 seasons, and then maybe a movie finale

Gabriel Dobson

Tanjiro and Nezuko are not related to Yoriichi. They've made that pretty clear this season. The only one who is is Tokito (Mist Hashira).

stephanie johnson

they announced the Hashira training arc. so i guessing they will drop maybe 3-4 episodes next year which will be the start to the infinity castle arc. So season 5 would wrap up the story