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A lot of people call Katara a hypocrite because she’s stolen from pirates, but if anything I just think it shows that she learned her lesson, the hard way, and tried to keep Toph from doing the same. Like moms do! Lol

Ratchet Akarui

Fun fact in the Avatar Pilot Zuko had a pet Hawk and "Hawky" is a potential Reference to that Hawk


Aang and Sokka are the definition of the sharing a braincell meme when they are together goofing off but are master strategist when on the battlefield

Sydney Horton

I'm glad Ruff noticed what Combustion Man is doing. If you guys remember, Guru Patik taught us about Chakras. The Fire Chakra is in the stomach and the Cosmic Energy Chakra is in the forehead.


the shell game at the beginning was very particular, and honestly a bit easy to not fully catch on the first viewing. The guy planted 3 beans total in the first round, so the player would get an ego. Once the stakes got high for a good return for him, he had all intent to just remove every bean, so all of the cups would be empty. So Toph did cheat the cheater.


It's just the fu bird from Madagascar that is good luck if it poops on you, and only until you wipe it off. That's where we get the saying, "If the fu shits, wear it."

Sydney Horton

Actually, Cosmic Energy and Light Chakra are both in the forehead, one slightly above the other

Andrew W

I LOVE this show, but one thing I've never fully tracked are the rules of earthbending -- like how Toph could sense and bend the pebble the guy is shifting around on top of the wooden table, but can't bend the ground beneath the wooden cell they're in.

Jimmy Wise

It was a small pebble in the air, while she herself was grounded.....in other words...don't think about it too much, or nothing will make sense


Let's be honest, would you laugh at that guy if he called himself Sparky Sparky Boom Man?

Ranginald Vagel

Ruff is the only one around that doesn’t prewatch

GraffitiTurtle (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-21 01:42:04 Despite it being very brief, the conversation between Sokka and Toph this episode is really important, and the fact that Katara overhears it is important too. You’ll want to keep what he says in mind.
2023-06-20 23:07:53 Despite it being very brief, the conversation between Sokka and Toph this episode is really important moving forward, and the fact that Katara overhears it is important too. No spoilers, just keep it in mind.

Despite it being very brief, the conversation between Sokka and Toph this episode is really important moving forward, and the fact that Katara overhears it is important too. No spoilers, just keep it in mind.


In one of those special episodes with the pop-up trivia (I think it's The Blind Bandit) it's confirmed that Toph and presumably other earthbenders can sense bending material even if it's in midair. But as for the earth outside the wooden cage, yeah that doesn't have much logic as far as I can tell.

Andre Avery

I always thought it was because Iroh said that Fire bending comes from the breath.


so Combustion Man's powers come from... like the cosmos? or something?


It's more than that. The writers just use Katara as the responsible one regulary but also irresponsible when it fits, Katara acts on when it suits purpose. Even if that means doing bad things or causing bad outcome. The scroll was to get better at waterbending. Helping out the river village to make their life better. All good goals butshe ignores it being stealing (even if rationalizing it being from thieves and end of episode no guilt what so ever) or with the latter drawing attention on them with the fire nation. Toph scams don't have useful purpose, Otherwise Katara would have turned a blind eye no-pun intended) towards it.


I mean, Toph’s scams did earn them lots of invasion funds.