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Kemi Stanton

This is still one of the CREEPIEST episodes, and I know back in season one while y'all were speculating about what the rules of bending were and what benders can manipulate a bunch of us were thinking about this very episode and SQUIRMING, knowing we had to stay quiet and WAIT for this! It's been worth it

Chaplain Harvest

You guys have to watch episode 10 and 11 together.

Leo Kester

Been waiting for you guys to get to this episode sense you started the show🙌


If you think about it air bending is the most dangerous since water can’t exist without oxygen meaning a air bender could bend both water and blood🤔

Fabbrizio Plays

Except this canonically isn't how it works. Air bending isn't oxygen bending. Airbenders bend all atmospheric gasses, but they have to be gaseous.


Air bending is exactly what is air bending so canonically an air bender could Bend water and blood there is no way around it

Jack Middleton

You guys will need to watch Korra, and see loads of new bending abilities.

Des (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-20 19:58:15 Some people think Hama leaving is what lead to Katara/Soka's mom's death they went to the southern water tribe looking for one water bender, Hama. They didn't know that because Hama never returned home. So they assumed it was Katara and her mom turned herself in assuming she would be arrested, like in prior raids. However this time it was different they persived this water bender as a threat since they escaped from prison and bent the water inside someone so it was an order to kill the water bender and not to capture.
2023-06-20 17:52:47

Smiling viper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-20 19:58:15 Guys have to watch 10&11 together.
2023-06-20 17:53:22 Guys have to watch 10&11 together.

Guys have to watch 10&11 together.

Fabbrizio Plays

I always get nervous when people get to this episode. So many reactors just see "ooh new power up for katara" and are completely oblivious to how emotionally damaging it is for katara to even know she's capable of it.


I think it’s been talked about in the community how Avatar moon phases don’t seem to follow our traditional moon phases?? The series is supposed to take place in less than a year, according to the Avatar wiki, we have thus seen twenty two full moons lmaooo

Billie Turner

Science corner! Eclipses are actually new moons, not full moons. New moons occur when the moon is up all day and down at night, but since the sun is shining on the back of the moon, no light is reflected off it, so you can’t see it. That is, unless it passes right in front of the sun, as it does when there’s an eclipse. This has been science corner with a literal Billie 😊

Death Knight

so with air bending and as far as im aware we dont see anyone who uses a unique air power EXCEPT in avatar chronicles which is a light novel series where (no spoilers for story context) Avatar yangchen who could quite literally devoid people of oxygen and just outright rip the oxygen out of peoples lungs or devoid an entire area of it and suffocate massive amounts of people (this is something you never see in the show and is exclusive to the novels)

Sammy K

The Air Sub-element isn't introduced until season 3 of Korra

Silver Kyrie

This is spoilers yo, the info about the raid their mom died in and their mom turning herself in doesn’t come up until the Southern Raiders episode. Hama was introduced here but the rest of this theory is something that comes up later. Should probably delete this and post it again when they get to that episode. Cool theory but they aren’t that far in the show yet

Ricky Faber

You guys may wanna consider a 3 episode drop at some point, because as it is you have two up coming 2 parters which would both be split.


but just imagine combining blood bending with healing :p

Silver Kyrie

Air isn’t oxygen. Air is chemically a mix of various elements of which oxygen is only like 20% of. It’s more nitrogen than anything else. Oxygen is just what we extract from it to survive, but that doesn’t make it the same thing. Also bending is based more on mysticism than actual chemistry, hence why water bending can magically heal wounds or how firebenders can bend lightning despite that not being even close to the same thing in a chemical sense. The fact is canonically it’s outright stated that only the avatar can bend multiple elements. Air benders can’t bend water. That’s like the most clearly defined rule of the entire magic system.


Solar eclipses can only happen during the new moon phase, never during the full moon. Thats part of the reason they are so rare. So no bloodbending

Silver Kyrie

Exactly. That’s why this is probably my favorite reaction I’ve seen to this episode. So many I’ve seen it’s just “yay new power up,” this is the first I’ve seen where they had the same reaction I did of just how wrong and twisted it feels, and fully understand why it’s emotionally damaging to Katara.


Wanted to point out that every eclips would be a new moon, not a full moon, the sun is behind the moon and thus cant light up the side we see


Bending isn't science it's magic. like the other person said it's air that they bend not oxygen. In the same way fire benders can bend lightning even tho it has nothing to do with fire from a scientific perspective, what a bender can and can't bend is just straight up magical and what the creators felt would be cool for the story.

Blitz Cam

I think as shown in the episode, benders can bend things mostly made up of their element. So having some part of something contain that element cannot count for bending that thing. And blood would mostly be water not air, so it would be accessible to water benders. As seen by how when bending water in the air, it is not bending the air, but is instead removing the water that is in the air to bend the water. But there wouldn't be any air found in blood, but maybe what I'm thinking could be an extremely powerful air bending technique(just speculation) would be to control the gases found in the room, making it more difficult for others to breathe, but I don't think air bending involves what's inside of living things. But regardless, air benders like Aang are able to bend air, and bend air around things which give them the ability to 'fly' or more like glide, and also have the ability to run extremely fast.


My guy the creators themselves state that it isn’t magic,it’s made prevalent in the first episode when katara specifically told sokka that it’s not magic it’s water bending in the same episode aang explains to the water tribe girl that it isn’t magic it’s air bending so yes air benders can bend water and blood


The way I've been waiting the entire show to see you guys react to this episode!

Sydney Horton

Now you know why the Southern Tribe is so small now compared to the Northern Water Tribe. And I love how they connect this with the fire navy ship from the first episode. It's crazy how Katara the compassionate one is given this burden


Water is 1 part oxygen so it would stand to reason that an air bender could perform such feats,even if u don’t want to except it science is science but that’s just one application,air benders could depressuri’s u causing you internal damage or even emit vibrations from their palms


I love how beautifully animated water bending fights are. Also if you notice Katara is using earthbending stances and Airbender stances when fighting Hama kinda like Iroh learning lightning redirection from watching waterbenders.


Bending is a hard magic system, meaning it has strict understandable rules, but it doesn't apply to real-world chemistry, since the four classical elements aren't "real" elements in the real world


It’s not magic they straight up tell you that within show itself, if an earth bender can bend metal which is comprised of earth fragments then that shows that as long as the element you’re trying bend exist in what ever property it’s possible(everything is connected)

Marquez Mayes

Korra gonna answer all your bending theories and more

Asad Khabir

And there it is. Probably the second most terrifying bending. Bloodbending.

Asad Khabir

As a kid I was never found this episode creepy. But now that I watch it, it is very unsettling.


also from a storytelling perspective, it would be a terrible thing to make one of the elements have control over another. Thats just bad world-building and belittles the whole magic system that is set up in the show where the only person who could bend more than one element is the avatar


U want proof of Bending grab a comb get to a sink turn it on low comb your hair then gently place it beside the current and u get water bending


Your letting your personal bias get in the way of the possibilities, I knew I was gonna catch flack from this comment🤦🏾‍♂️


God I love this atla episode so much

Winter Rian ~

One of the best episodes of all time. I remember back when I first saw this. God damn

Thine Tiny Equine

The guys in the beginning: You think waterbenders can bend, like, people? Us, screaming under a mountain because of this episode

Thine Tiny Equine

Bloodbending to save a friend would be some Shippuden Sakura-restarting-Naruto's-heart thing


Can’t wait for them to learn about the great prophet Guru lahima 😂

Jason Rodriguez

Whenever reactors reach this episode it always makes me cant wait to see Korra S3 with them

Golden Witch Beatrice

Yes! No one else has pointed at this very cool fact! Back in season 2 when Iroh was teaching zuko how to redirect lightening he mentions how the elements are all connected and he learned from waterbenders how to flow the lightening away. WELLLLLLL in this episode it’s subtly shown while Katara is fighting Hama you can see her adapting Air and Earth techniques into her bending. That’s why Hama was so shocked at that slow mo scene when Katara stopped her attack. Waterbending is forever flowing so for it to be STOPPED in motion like an earthbender is incomprehensible to the status quo! Moments like this really show not only how far Katara has come but how nice it is that since she isn’t formally trained she’s picking up things from training with Aang! A slight spoiler but in the second half of this season they’ll be a moment where you can see that she adapted a firebending technique into her repertoire


This episode was so good and also really… not for kids lol. Bloodbending is why, if earthbending wasn’t so practical, I’d want to be a waterbender. Tbh I’d still probably choose waterbending in a fight scenario, it’s just so versatile


I never noticed this before, but around the 4:02 mark, you see a woman and her child pass behind Hama. Once they pass behind Katara, they completely vanish 👀

Magenta T. Squircle

1.) I, like Katara would not bloodbend unless pushed to. It's super invasive with how you take control of somebody's body.

Magenta T. Squircle

2.) Also while people in this world are probably used to anticipating the physical damage from the bending in this world, this doubles in the potential being psychologically damaging.

Magenta T. Squircle

3.) Having someone helplessly watch themselves get hurt or have no idea what's going to be done with their body once it's out of their control, is a lot.

Magenta T. Squircle

4.) And not knowing what kind of person is controlling you, if they want to move you out of the way or kill you?

Magenta T. Squircle

5.) Nope. I wouldn't know how to use that without it being super messed up. Even if I got permission, that would feel so weird. Even if I could do it, I would keep it a secret because I feel like people would fear me.

Magenta T. Squircle

6.) Well, at least that's how I felt about the lady who exploded heads from the boys. Her scenes were always so tense. The trust people would have to have in me that I would never go there no matter how mad I was, nah. I want friends.


This is the one episode of the show that makes me feel physically uncomfortable.


Really one of the best episodes in the series. Both the story and the battle were both excellent. The implications that all bending can evolve in ways too.

Matthew Abbott

The vacuum thing you mentioned with airbending is theorized to have happened. If you go all the way back to book 1 when they found Gyatso’s skeleton he’s surrounded by relatively intact Fire Nation skeletons in undamaged armor. Fans have theorized that Gyatso, in a last stand, just sucked all the air out of the area and everyone just dropped where they stood.


Hey guys, episode 10 and 11 is a two parter. Could you make it like one episode for next week for the silver membership?


I always loved how they animated the bloodbending. It always really feels like an invasion of someone else taking their body with all the jagged movements and the tremlbing.


"You could suck all the air out of someone's body." Remember all those Fire Nation corpses surrounding Gyatso's body?


Peak Avatar being creepy AF!

Andrew W

Nickelodeon show, folks. Also, no spoilers, but just a tip because this is something I see drive viewers up a wall on other reaction channels when the reactors forgot (and it is something that is very easy to forget): an important that is established in this episode to remember going forward -- Bloodbending can only be done under a full moon.

Mr. Putsch

dont forget they were buffed by the comet. but there cant be fire without oxygen^^

Jimmy Wise

There are very few fan theories/headcanons that i put stock in...this is one that is undoubted in my mind


I can’t remember is bone bending possible?

BiPolar HoneyBear

I think people miss how violating blood bending must feel to the person being controlled. Being pulled by the water in your own body.


about the airbending sub-element, y'all are not ready yet

Stash Jones

One of my absolute favorite ATLA episodes! I love how creepy and sinister it is.


Zay is right in the sense that in the show, bending isn't magic. The creators clearly state that it's not magic. It's definitely a power, but they went out of their way to make the distinction


Now I'm upset that Hama didn't tell anyone to "jam a bastard in it you crap!"

Lorenzo Baxter

Jesus, some people in the comments don't know what a spoiler is 😅 To clear something up, it's not limited to one sub element per element. It's just thinking of all possible alternative ways you could bend one of the four elements. Like, Earth doesn't just have Metal. It also has sand, and we've seen avatars bend lava. Earth has several sub abilities. Seismic sense is another one, the thing Toph does to feel the vibrations in the Earth. Water has a ton too. Ice bending, plant bending, blood bending, mud bending as well for both Earth and water. Just keep that in mind. Theres not neccesarily a limit. Also, I would agree with others here that you should maybe do a three parter next time. The one singular episode, but then there's a two parter episode right after that absolutely should be viewed together.

JRax 17

I’m not gonna lie I didn’t really feel that blood bending was all that bad until a little bit later on because yeah there’s some other pretty messed up stuff you can do with it… honestly water bending is easily, the most diverse of all the bending

VJ Sins

Hama isnt Nini, Nini was a friend of Katara's mom, Hama is more the age of Gran Gran.

VJ Sins

Its so interesting to see how much similar the southern water tribe was to the Nothern one with ice walls and buildings, and now its barebones iggloos. Also you know back in book 1 when AAng and katara set off the boobie trap in the abandoned fire nation ship? We saw Hama and other waterbenders rise it up in that position

VJ Sins

Earthbenders proving to be the best bending out there cuz they have two special bending forms, Lava bending (we saw Roku and Kiyoshi do that) and metalbending


Please see the Avatar the last airbender netflix live action FIRST LOOK trailer

VJ Sins

Lava is just molten rock, the heat aspect has nothing to do with lava


My favorite episode! I love how dark this episode is.


Y’all thought this was dark? Wait till y’all get to LOK.

William Timmins

It's SUCH a cliche at this point, but... 'This is a KIDS' SHOW??' hahaha


Geez, people, calm down with the Korra spoilers.


Well, waterbenders can heal, too! So yeah water and earth are kinda OP haha! Still, they did a very good job at balancing the elements out and never making them feel too much better than one another since you need water and earth to bend it, and firebenders can create fire and airbenders will always have air to draw from. Sure you're most likely always gonna be near a source of earth or water too but it is a time advantage during battle at least to be able to create your element on command, pretty cool. What a well built power system.


By the way, the ghost stories at the beginning were references to scary movies. For example, "The Man with a Sword for a Hand" is a reference to Edward Scissorhands.


Hama probably at some point in her life "JAM A CRAP IN IT!"


The thing that's so funny about this episode is that the creators love halloween so they made one special each season. Book one was the winter solstice part 1, book 2 was the swamp and this is the last one. But the creators were pissed because no one knew the first two special where halloween episodes, EVEN WHEN THEY WERE PART OF NICK'S HALLOWEEN LINE UP lol. So when they made this special they were like "fuck it we are not going to be subtle, this is going to be on the nose AF"


I was so excited for y’all to watch this one cause imo blood bending is a whole different level above lightning or metal, even tho they’re all like a step above the normal elements. When y’all got excited over the lightning and metal in previous eps, I was like “just you wait!” And giving katara this makes her one of the most powerful ppl in the series imo, but tbh the GAang are pretty stacked with the best benders in their generation. Without spoiling it too much, I do wish they utilized this skill more than they did in the series, but it does show up again. It’s so OP. It’s really crazy they they put this in a kids cartoon. But just goes to show, cartoons can have depth and serious topics. And to answer your question at the end, I would use bloodbending. Not even just in dire situations. I just wanna have it in my back pocket.


Been so excited for y’all to see this ep in particular 😭

apple jacked

Well, I will say a benefit to bloodbending would possibly help people who might suffer from blood clots and such. But yeah, the way it was used gives me the creeps.


Well, it's op, but very limited. Can only be used on a full moon, and that's only 3 nights a month, so like, 36 hours out of the entire month it's usable, the rest it doesn't exist


Airbending is the actually most op one, super speed to move faster than most cam see, make tornados, wind blasts strong enough to shatter stone and buildings, can send fire and water back at the attacker, if the wind is strong enough can send metal or earth back, can rapidly cool lava to stop lava bending, we saw aang in 1 breath stop a whole wall of lava in the fortune teller. The only things it can't stop are bloodbending, which is only 3 nights a month, and lightning but they can move fast enough to avoid it, plus they can fly and suck the air out of you


I'd always go air, we've seen it be able to counter all the other weekends, plus you can fly and run at super speed

Trinity D. Law

Water bending has 3 sub categories. Swamp bending, blood bending and healing. Earth has metal bending and sand bending for now. Fire has lightning

Carson Spinks

This is the episode that sent chills up my spine for years. Its such a surreal episode that just doesn't end making you feel okay. Having hemophobia is a crazy thing with this episode btw

Amy Petty

Swamp bending is not a category. They're not doing anything special, just bending the water inside a plant.


also fire has temperature manipulation such as cooling and heating tea


I was thinking the same thing about the ship! “Wait, wasn’t that from episode 1??” I’ve watched this show multiple times and never noticed that!


This episode reminds me of the scene in Heroes of Olympus when (spoilers for PJO) Percy almost kills Akhlys by poison-bending and is barely stopped by Annabeth from choking her with her own tears. It’s terrifying what a desperate/enraged waterbender is capable of

Sean Silence

I would feel the same as Katara about it. Yeah, it could be useful, but to me it really crosses the line into taking away someone's body autonomy and that's a big no no for me. I can understand not having a choice but to use it, but that's not what Hama was doing. In fact, she wasn't even going after soldiers. Just taking anyone and everyone.


Pretty sure that it's closer to scary stories with a guy who has a hook for a hand.


Where do I find the rest of season 3?


Where is the rest of the series?