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Sincerely, the Best.

mushroom and sausage pizza is delicious, the mushroom slander is insane lol

Kemi Stanton

Storm in the Room is one of my top five episodes (which is unfortunately followed by my least favourite episode in the entire show, but I'll grit my teeth next week and watch because I'm here for y'all reacting haha) Steven is such a complex character, the bit where he's laying in Rose's lap it never fails to get me emotional.

Matt E.

Why are yall talking about mushroom pizza like it's crazy? It's one of the most common pizzas out there.. Never seen a pizza place that didn't sell it


God s4 ep16 had me bawling my eyes out when I first watched it


Storm in the room is so good and The New Crystal gems is such a missed opportunity.


Do love how you can see in the background of season 4 that Lars is improving. He’s chill with Sadie, he picks either the earrings or clothes that Steven put on in The New Lars. Just thought I should point that out.

Calvin Allen

Not the heated pizza debate!

Ben Asay

Erik is right though; The pizza restaurant I work at has some dope pizza but some of the new people put too much topping portions and the pizza will come out bad 😅

Golden Witch Beatrice

To be hit with emotions over the last episode just to get sucker punched over mushroom slander is WILD

Bruna G

My man has never seen a Brazilian pizza

JRax 17

OK I’m not gonna lie. I remember Lapis being one of my favorite characters probably because it was easy to relate with someone who was super traumatized, but man I do not remember her being so rude like geez


Uhh mushroom pizza is delicious my guys


the way they completely avoided Rose Quartz’ trauma is giving me life

Will F

It's ok Hman hasn't ever had real Pizza you want real Pizza you come to New Jersey/New York


So guys I'm not sure if this has been brought up previously. There's a series of Steven Universe Shorts that came on YouTube parallel to the Series run of Seasons 2-4. The shorts don't really go beyond more than 2 minutes but are best watched before the episode "Doug Out" of Season 4. I hesitated to suggest watching these as it may break up your watch of the TV episodes but the shorts are: Lion Loves to Fit in a Box The Classroom Gems: What Are Gems? The Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made? Unboxing The Classroom Gems: Fusion Cooking with Lion Gem Karaoke Steven Reacts Video Chat Steven's Song Time They should all be still up on YouTube and while, inconsequential, best watched before the episode I mentioned. Whether you choose to watch these or not are up to you. But they should be watched BEFORE the last 4 episodes of Season 4.

Luke Murphy

If you cook down the mushrooms ahead of time then add them on near the end of the bake they don't sweat out. Pro-tip.

John Rea

Eriks counterpoint makes no sense. Yes having to many toppings makes a pizza doughy, but having ONLY mushrooms is less toppings than if you also had pepperoni so how would just mushrooms make it more doughy?

Matthew Abbott

I think a lot of characters start off looking pretty rough on a rewatch. The first time you’re trying to take in the whole experience, the second time you have a familiarity so you notice things you might otherwise have paid less kind to. Plus you have the memory of how those characters develop, so you know where they end up (which is almost universally in a much better place in this show)

Matthew Abbott

Because mushrooms sweat if you don’t precook them, which adds a lot of moisture to the whole thing.


I love how even though Peri was 100% redeemed, she still has some dickish qualities, her personality isn't what made her a villain, so even now, she still has a lot of growing to do.


I love that Ruff was a huge hater on Peridot and now he’s Peridots biggest stan 🤣 how the turns have tabled Also I will not allow mushroom slander, H-Man is 100% valid. From the way y’all were talkin it sounds like y’all never even eaten mushroom pizza or at least a while. Go order yourselves a sausage mushroom feta pizza from dominos and y’all be taking back the slander 😤 Also MEAT ALSO SWEATS??

Charlie Reeves

Mushrooms are bad, get Pepperoni instead because meat is the way of life Baby!!


just knowing some future episodes you guys are gonna react to has me so excited lol

Shady Cat Lady

This is such an amazing, thoughtful episode....but the mushroom pizza slander got me crying in the end.

Marco Panzironi

As an Italian, why wouldn’t you put mushrooms with mozzarella? It’s actually a great combo