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Art Gremlin

And the chaos continues! Gumball was green light for more seasons to come, and a movie!


That little freeze was really funny also kinda cool hearing yalls schools life I can't image the stories.

Dylan Singewald

Gotta get h man to watch final destination

Ben Asay

John Squincy Adam's 🤣


You know the creators of gumball remember everything they've done and even in season 5 they still make references to season 1

William Timmins

I can't think of any other show that makes me laugh out loud as often as this one.


Jokes on you Ruff! I come from a family of five and we went 10 years with only one bathroom!


don't get me wrong, i still love season 1, but man am i hyped for season 2. it's so CLOSE too. imo gumball was always good, but season 2 is when I think it hits its stride and goes from good to great.