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Kayla Ryan

Yoooo didn't expect this episode today. Let's goooo

Asad Khabir

Omg please tell me we are getting triple episodes



Asad Khabir

Me when I find out about triple upload: 😊 Me when I find out about the reason behind the triple upload: 🗿

Asad Khabir

This will not make up for the last two lost reactions. Drop the Hman nudes now 🔫


before going into it why the tipple upload?


wow triple upload

Shawn Oxley

Lets go Ice king lore time


Lore drop time!

Asad Khabir

'Who tf is Phil!?' Funniest line in the reaction lol

Asad Khabir

I remember when I saw this episode for the first time and it changed my life. I think this is the first cartoon episode where I went 'oh this is a lore episode.'

Ranginald Vagel

Ohh thank god this didn’t happen for this episode set I would have been CRUSHED


Well now you know Icy King's real name and remember the GMW was around 1000 as you got to see young Marcy and she said she is 1k years old in her debut years ago so he is over 1k years old. ALso you know why he wants princesses so badly


Also now I can't wait until you all learn about how magic works in this world more and excited for the next seasons 4 &5 really add a lot to lore and 5 is the longest season


Omg finally. SIMON. The Ice Kings backstory hurts my heart. Knowing that he's just some sweet guy who jokingly put on an artifact and went mad bc of it. Can't wait for you guys to learn more about his past in season 4




And this is why the Ice King is so obsessed with princesses, because his fiancee's nickname was Princess. So in his insane state of mind, he confuses every princess of Ooo as his fiancee. It's really sad but I love Simon's story.

Erryl Osite

Finally got to Simon, we’ll learn more about him next season and I’m excited!!

Kemi Stanton

Omg omg omg omg! I didn't know we were getting more adventure time today and it's the beginning of Simon's story what a treat! Between this and double She-Ra I feel positively spoiled!

Callum Ringsy

I love Ice King so much and things only get sadder :))))))))))))))) and god the seasons only get better from here, I'm SO excited !

Kemi Stanton

Also I think now's a good time to point out how ALL magic users in Ooo seem a little bit crazy. Madness and magic seem to really go hand in hand.


Could y'all like, do a short segment at the start of an AT reaction telling us your thoughts on the episodes with messed up audio? I'm just curious what y'all thought especially about Thank You and No One Can Hear You


They think this is crazy? Oh boy. They are not ready for the things to come. I am so excited for them to watch more. hehehehehehehe


I cannot wait until "Remember you" swoops in and drops a bomb in the reaction room.


Honestly been looking forward to this one ever since they started showing interest in Ice King back in S1


I was waiting for this episode one of my favorite bomb drops in any cartoon, also the voice actor of the Ice King also voices Spongebob


You guys would really love the anime RWBY


i did the calculations and the episode im pretty sure all of us are waiting for should be on august 10th, im so excited even though it is two months away


It would’ve been next week. We would’ve gotten 4 episodes today like normal and then this episode in a week

Callum Ringsy

I've rewatched this so many times now 😭 and I've done the math and it's gonna be so hard waiting til August for my next favorite episode

Callum Ringsy

I don't know how I'm gonna survive two months. They should release all of season 4 in one big video today LOL

Brian Glatt

I somehow expected more of a discussion of this

JRax 17

I think gravity falls got inspiration from ice king for McGucket the characters are very similar and they drop heavy lore about them in a super similar way


Do you guys remember in the Fiona and Cake episode when Cake was acting unhinged and using ice powers? Fiona quickly removed the crown from Cake's head so she would not "catch [the Ice Queen's] crazy". It was all played for laughs, but then you realize that the Ice King wrote that story and how subconsciously he was talking about his condition.

Brandon Nichols

This video isnt playing for me why??