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Samuel Leonard

Honestly while I do prefer ATLA over Korra I do think Korra is overhated. Did it has it issues? Of course but Korra is still a soild series and I think y’all gonna enjoy it as much as ATLA

the bard

Korra is, at its worst, completely fine. I think it does a ton of stuff right and fumbles much more than ATLA did in various ways. Maybe I'll feel different after my rewatch with yall but I never thought it dipped lower than "eh its okay".

Matthew Abbott

Fun fact: most meteors that hit earth are very cold. While the outer surface of a meteor heats up considerably during entry due to air compression, the heated surface is ablated (or blown off) leaving the inner surface still quite cold from floating in space for millions of years.

matthew james Stromberg

I find korra having more highlights then lowlights season 1 and 3s villains are amazing but 2 and 4s are kinda weak but I like 2 and 4s story


I will say this Korra is a really good show it just has more overt flaws then Avatar. And in my opinion aang is a more like able mc imo. But s3 of Korra is one of the best season from this property.

Jayshawn Robinson

I thin ATLA is clearly better but Korra isn’t as bad as people tend to say. The first 2 seasons were heavily messed with by nick but book 3 and 4 were good


ATLA is definitely better than Korra and to me personally I just thought all the lows really outweighed the highs and I just don’t think it’s a good show overall.

Kemi Stanton

I can't really articulate my opinions on Korra without going into some spoilers (aside from the general feeling of flip flopping on whether or not I even like Korra herself as a character) but it's still not a BAD show by any stretch. It has great arcs, it has weak arcs, and there's a lot of really cool stuff in it. I just prefer ATLA overall, and I genuinely believe it's a stronger, better show by comparison.


Many prefer avatar the last airbender, but i actually prefer korra a bit more :-) 'cause reasons i won't name yet. Looking forward to your reactions to that show

Harley Taylor

I think it's unanimous that ATLA is a perfect or near perfect show. Korra builds on the world SO MUCH and since it's rated for teens and not a kids show it is far more gritty/dark. Korra for me I would put at an 8/10, my sister actually prefers Korra over ATLA simply because LOK (Legend of Korra) isn't a kids show. LOK has the same amount of episodes I believe, but all of the seasons are short so they DO NOT mess around with pacing. The moment it starts it just goes and it's a whirlwind from start to finish. I love Korra as a character she's flawed and she's VERY different from Aang which I think for some people was too big of a whiplash.


ATLA is better it takes 1st 2nd and 3rd place. Korra is still very good and I absolutely think you should watch it especially cause some of the character interactions are just top tier moments. The best way I could describe Korra without hitting spoilers would be it is a mature version of Avatar almost even like a soap opera at times really hitting those more hard topics such as politics, family drama, death and stuff along those lines.

Silver Kyrie

I definitely rank AtlA above Korra, but Korra is definitely worth watching. It’s like comparing an S tier show to an A or high B. One is the clear better, but the other isn’t bad by any means. Just not as close to perfect. Korra does have some problems that puts it in B tier for me personally but tbh I’ll think you guys will like it more than I did anyways based on your more positive reactions to some of what I felt were the weaker elements of AtlA too. And I mean even if you end up agreeing with me fully on it it’s not like B tier is bad.


Korra is beyond just good people just wanted her to be like aang which she’s not, I will not stand by and let people slander her for no reason.Each season teaches u new lessons even s2,if you focus on the negatives you’ll never enjoy watching anything(this goes for every show or movie)also I rate Legend of Korra 9/10 s3 was perfect,s1 and 4 were amazing,all In all you should definitely watch it

Racer D. Ratt

Korra is great minus one thing. But ATLA is perfect.


The main problem with the series was it was only supposed to be one book long. Then they renewed it out of nowhere and kinda pushed for more books. Nickelodeon is the one to blame for basically forcing a story out of the studio. And for it being basically a forced story they did a very good job but also yea its not perfect. But it still is very good.

Jake Finn

Boom is right, Korra is... good. but it isn't The Last Airbender good. If anything I really enjoy the expansion of bending utilization in Korra, as well as the increse of frames for more intricate and fluid bending. The fights are phenominal. However the story fell off for me after season 1, picked back up a little in 3, then concluded as best it could in 4. Korra is frustrating as the protagonist and can behave more childish than Aang while having suffered way less. Her growth is slow and sometimes doesn't feel earned. But all the other characters make up for her... well most.

Silver Kyrie

I think overall Korra had some more interesting ideas than AtlA, it just didn’t always execute them as perfectly or consistently as what AtlA tried to do, which left it a bit weaker when comparing the two but still a very valuable addition


Korra was probably never going to be able to live up to the hype because ATLA is just so good, but it really got screwed over by Nickelodeon. They only greenlit it for a second season after production had wrapped on the first, then seasons 3 & 4 after 2 was in the can. It meant they had to treat those first seasons as self contained and they struggled with building a series-long arc. They also had budget issues which in places (mostly in season 2) meant a drop in the animation quality. Last IIRC, Nick played with the release schedule. I'm pretty sure the last episodes (or maybe even all of season 4) were only released on their app and never aired on tv.


Korra is headstrong and enthusiastic,the only thing frustrating part about her is her relationship problems,plus she’s a teen and u know how teenagers are,I love Korra as a character in my opinion


Season 4 aired on Nicktoons and it wasn’t supposed go past season one originally in the words of the creators themselves

Asad Khabir

Nah bro Uncle Iroh in this episode looked like was built like a dude who has gotten into every fight since the dawn of time and won them all


I’m not gonna rank them but Korra is definitely worth a watch simply for the fact that at the end of the day, it’s still Avatar, and Avatar is cool. There are places where Korra excels, and places where Korra lacks, I cannot deny it. But I feel so much more fulfilled having gotten the full scope of the Avatar world that Korra provides, and getting to view a completely new perspective and characters who are entirely their own. I appreciate that Korra does not try to follow the exact same path as AtLA, and that as a character, Korra goes through her own developments that are unique to her experience, and time period.

Trevor Barnes

I think there are technically 21 episodes total. Netflix just bunches some of them up

Asad Khabir

Just to add to that, not all of space is cold. The part that has direct sunlight is actually really hot while only places, that don't recieve sunlight, for example in the moon's shadow are very cold


Korra explores different themes, involving a growing industrializing society and the connection (or lack thereof) to nature and mysticism. It also has a character voiced by J.K. Simmons, who is just such fun in anything. It is certainly worth a watch and would likely provide you guys excellent material for solid post-episode discussions.


Eh, even in book 1 of that they had issues that had nothing to do with the network. But yeah, the network fucking with them did not help at all.

Sydney Horton

Piandao the Sword master is actually a tribute to the martial artist who the animators used as reference for each of the bending styles.

Fabbrizio Plays

"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."

William Timmins

I find Korra and ATLA to be a partnership and let go of trying to rank. They both have great qualities and I'm thrilled both exist.

Sydney Horton

Nickelodeon's interference with Korra really messed with its story telling particularly in season 2. It would really be awsome to see you guys watch the series tho. We'd love to see your perspectives on it. Up to you

Death Knight

id say... original avatar would definitely be my preference Korra isnt terrible and theres actually a lot of unique cool plot points or use of powers in the series however... and this is what ruined it for me its a lot more... drama heavy they swayed a lot more into dramatics and relationships IMO it kind of ruins or kills certain parts of the story with an immense amount of awkwardness but other than that id say Korra is still pretty solid and worth the watch as it does expand on the world as well as many other things

Smiling viper

Just to let you guys now that the season 3 is in total is 21 ep. It looks like Netflix put together the parters together .

Asad Khabir

Here is my opinion on Korra. To me ATLA is the the consistently better show. With Korra there are large stretch of episodes where I think 'Ok once I am through this part then the good part starts' while ATLA is just good all the way through. Or as the kids put it 'It don't miss'. But the moments and episodes I like from Korra I like them better than anything in ATLA. There are some moments that build off ATLA that are very special and I feel like no other series have ever been able to replicate just because Korra is a sequel to a beloved series which in itself is very rare in animation, and had a lot more material to build off. In a way I am more excited for you guys to react to Korra than I was to ATLA

Ranginald Vagel

No plotting here, just getting ready

Kayla Kulik

You’re so right man, people in the show who are more educated are so much more accepting of others. It’s a beautiful thing to see 🙂 Nice comment!


Lol it's so sad this is sokkas episode but he got shown up by an absolute unit Iroh.

William Timmins

'They have lion turtles too??' Yeah, there's actually statues of them in Piandao's garden, and there was one shown in Wan Shi Tong's library. They remind me a lot of Fu Dogs. But... turtles. heh.


Yeah atla was more consistent because it was episodic. So it had a better average but I liked the highs of korra more.

Kayla Kulik

Yes! That’s so cool that you guys realize that, Avatar truly is a show where EVERY SINGLE episode is important. It’s storytelling at its best, because in a show, every single episode SHOULD add to the characters and whole overall story! It’s beautiful! That’s why I love this show 🥰


I'm in the minority but Korra is my favorite, like it's a no contest for me.


That's interesting, I liked korra way more than aang. Like aang isn't even in my top 5 character from the last air bender.


Yeah the show was doomed from the start, people went into it set against cause the just wanted more aang and his crew.


Aang trauma and story is way more interesting than what korra dealt with imo. Also I like the idea of an avatar being really young because he has to deal with the concept of growing up faster. Korra imo was the opposite I felt like she was somehow less mature then aang yet shes older and she was constantly losing.


I hate to be that person. Korra is awful,, IN MY OPINION. It destroys the rules that Avatar had built seamlessly into its worldbuilding just so it’s characters can have neat o superpowers without having any of that boring, EFFORT or CONSEQUENCES. Bending was always a spiritual art developed by hard work, but Korra treats it like it’s marvel super powers and ignores the cultures and purpose of each element. The characters are not good imho either. I found Korra downright despicable at times. Korra stans say that it’s more mature but I couldn’t disagree more. Korra only mentions darker themes on a surface level concept, to play at being dark and edgy and then acting like that automatically makes it good. But that’s just me


Korra and aang are very different characters intentionally, they can both be childish cause they're both still kids. Personally I like korra more than aang as a main character but I still get why he behaves the way that he does.


Yeah when people found out it was going to be a new group and not just grown up aang they weren't happy, and they lost their shit when they learned korra was a girl.


She’s also a whiny petulant brat who thinks everything should come easy to her. And it often does. She reminds me of Ray from Star Wars 😭 I’m happy you like her though 😊


I don't feel like you can really compare the original Avatar to Korra. Bc It's a completely different thing, the only thing that is the same is that the main character is a reincarnation of the avatar and can use all bending. That and you might see some familiar faces from time to time. But the rest is completely its own thing. The cast is even older, so it's a tad more mature? They're both great in their own way.


you guys asked for ranking so here's my ranking 7 korra season 2 6 korra season 1 5 ATLA season 1 4 korra season 3 3 ATLA season 2 2 korra season 4 1 ATLA season 3 so yes i'd say ATLA is better then most of korra but when korra goes hard that show is great


Its hard to compare them because they try to do different things, like personally korra just hits better for me. Like I know atla is better put together because it didn't have the fuckery lok did but I still just like what they're going for in korra more.

Launa Sorensen

I really love Legend of Korra. Definitely a different show, but one with themes that resonate more with my personal interests than original Avatar. I agree with those who say Avatar is more consistent because the writers could build multi-season story arcs, but most of my favorite moments in the world of avatar happened in Korra.


Avatar is way better imo but Korra is still definitely worth the watch you won't be disappointed, I think Avatar is perfection so it being way better than Korra isn't a huge downplay to the Legend of Korra

Winter Rian ~

Korra is really good. But it suffers from the same issues as every sequel that comes off a legendary series. Meeting too high expectations. It's just different. If you really want to compare the 2 obviously ATLA is superior, but that doesn't make Korra a bad show. I personally really enjoyed it. It took the concept of ATLA into a different, more advanced time.

Slime Soup

korra is definitely worth a watch if you're an avatar fan but it doesn't quite feel as mature or as carefully thought out as avatar

Tyler Green

That’s because it wasn’t, it was renewed season to season. It was only supposed to be a single season when it was first released.

Callum Ringsy

I'm going to say something controversial but so brave: I prefer The Legend of Korra. While it may be broken down into book-length arcs instead of ATLA's long overreaching one, I feel like TLOK gets to expand and explore the bending world in ways that ATLA didn't get to. SOOO much stuff happens! And I feel like the fandom's opinions on it are super unjustified and maybe even rooted a bit in misogyny. I mean even the comments on this post are not the vibe lol... my point is, while TLOK may not be better than ATLA (I have my preferences obvs but I digress), it's a solid show and not WORSE. Please give it an honest chance.

Matthew Abbott

Yeah, space is kind weird, it sorta defies how we use the term temperature. A lot of it is very hot, in that the particles are extremely energetic (which is generally what we mean by temperature) however the particle density of (most of) space is extraordinarily low by our standards. So even though the individual particles carry a lot of energy, they hit things at a much lower rate. It’s kinda like if you’re grinding a piece of steel at a bench grinder and a spark hits you. That spark is somewhere north of 2300° when it leaves the grinder, but it’s so small that it’s a mild annoyance at worst. I think around Earth the particle density is like 5/cm^3. So even though most things in space are cold (because they lose heat through radiation faster than they absorb heat through conduction), space itself is technically hot, though it certainly wouldn’t feel that way and we don’t really call it hot.

Eric Miller

Korra lost me in season 1. I think it starts out strong, but fumbles midway and just does not recover.


For clarification, the fire benders don't bend the comet, they draw power from it the same way they draw power from the Sun


This show is so good that your guys will become bloodfan of this show when the show is over:)


Fun fact abt Master Piandao (coming from a short comic and the old avatar character files)! Mastet Piandao was actually the one to train Zuko in swordfighting. Zuko started training with him at a young age, and is why hes so skilled with the Dual Dao. Korra is okay. I do feel that its darker than OG Avatar, but the downside is it focuses too much on romance purely bc of the "older teen" cast. I wasn't a big fan of the romance aspect, but the story itself was pretty good, and I loved the world building! seasons 3 and 4 of Korra are especially good.

Patrick Jordan

In my opinion, Korra and the last air bender are just different kinds of journeys. To not go into anything spoilery I would just Aang's journey is the heroes journey, a fantastic one. While Korra's is the journey of self discovery, yes there are plenty of bad guys and fights, but it's more about coming to understand yourself. So I think it's about understanding the differences in the journeys because they are just flat our different.


FYI, Master Piandao is voiced by Robert Patrick, who played the T-1000 in Terminator 2! Also had a cameo as the T-1000 in Wayne's World. Korra is worth the watch. It does a lot of things very well, but it has its weak spots as well. A lot of the hate is from misogynist assholes who don't like a female lead. Some of the hate comes from some retconning of certain things. There's a cringy love triangle, too. The production of the show was also COMPLETELY clusterfucked and mismanaged by Nickelodeon execs, leading to (amongst other things) the 4th season being released on the web only. That being said, an EPIC list of voice actors, sharp animation, GORGEOUS music, more adult, mature themes, and great storytelling. Absolutely worth the watch.


Korra is rough around the edges because the writers constantly didn't know if they'd be able to finish the story, so they couldn't really build things up in one season that pay off in the next. You have to think of Korra as a story within the same universe and NOT as a sequel. A lot of people were mad that we didn't see much about the gaang in Korra despite it being HER show, not ATLA 2.0. I like the show! The villains are so good, s1 and s3 especially


Avatar is probably the best and most rewatched cartoon from my childhood! But Korra is good in it's own unique ways too. Like Steven Universe, it suffered through company meddling, flip-flopping art studios, and production hell. I think I had to watch some episodes on I-tunes because they wouldn't even air them on cable. Still looked forward to it every episode though.


Korra is good, but not as good as the original. It's also a bunch of very seperate stories because the creators basically never knew if their show was getting renewed so they had to assume each season was the last one, and there wasn't the opportunity to do a long running arc like in the original

Kailey Anne

Korra gets a lot of hate but I don't really get why. The villains are phenomenal, I love the Krew, and Korra herself doesn't feel like a rip-off of Aang. It's best to enter the show thinking of Korra as her own person with her own struggles and her own story to tell.

the one

Ive only ever watched the first season when it first aired on tv. While i liked the premise, i didn't really enjoy Korra as a protagonist compared Aang.

the one

Despite that i wouldnt mind giving it another chance with you guys out of curiousity, along with the fact that its generally a very divided series(especially with the later seasons). People either love it or hate it.


Kora is a good show worth watching but its not as good as this, which is fair because this show sets the bar incredibly high. Also a lot of Season 2 is just kind of bad. But overall the show is still very much worth watching.


LoK is, by definition, a decent story in the avatar universe and worth watching if you watch it objectively. the main problem with people downplaying it or outright hating on it is because they went into it thinking “this is going to be JUST like ATLA” and expecting it to be 50% about a new avatar while still being 50% about aang and the gaang… which doesn’t make sense. it’s a story in the same universe, NOT a sequel. it’s completely different aside from a few bits and pieces and tells its own story with its own themes and problems of THEIR story. of course it has its weaker moments because nick screwed with it BIG time and people turned small molehills in this show into mountains despite them having reasons and explanations to why it happened that way—but it still works if you just watch it for what it is: a journey of self discovery and worth. so i say watch it with an open mind and you’ll be good.

Jayshawn Robinson

crazy thing is the later 2 seasons imo are easily the best of the series outside of maybe 1 thing in season 4. Season 3 is easily the best season in LOK tho. villians are great, group dynamics are great, as well as the pacing of that season easily outdo every other season

Jayshawn Robinson

yea season 1 had a bad pacing problem, maily because of them not knowing if it was gonna get picked up for more seasons as originally it was only supposed to be a miniseries, that happened for both s1 and 2 but season 3 is actually great imo and a top 3 season out of both series

ryu kage

i still like this one way more than korra but the sequel is still pretty solid. i would say i like the main cast here a little better and this one doesn't miss. there are a few bad episodes in korra.

Cloud Kitsune

My problem with it was Korra was not a likeable protagonist (and I personally didn't even love Aang, for that matter), the show focused too much on the romance (very poorly), it never felt focused (too many villain swapping and making them too powerful/skills too easy to access when it was a rarity in OG Avatar, which to me made it better as it was balanced unlike in Korra), and I personally wanted a more fantasy-romp then the period we got with Western-styles. But that last one is 100% on taste. XD

Nina Wallace

I feel like Korra was plagued by all the production issues that prevented more continuity between seasons. Nickelodeon got in the way of it being as great as it could be but it's still solid. Just don't go into it expecting it to be just like ATLA and it has more mature themes which I think adults will enjoy more.

Nina Wallace

I loved the Villians in Korra and the themese they represented great for an older audience too.

Nina Wallace

agreed season 3 of Korra is top tier. I actually even like season 2 but mostly the second half.


Avatar vs Korra is like 70/30 or 80/20. The people that do enjoy it more mainly liked to hone in more on at a generally more mature tone. It struggled with its identity until its 3rd season. It didn’t help that the creators were getting less episodes per season and not being guaranteed seasons really in advance? Like season 2 was supposed to be a full 20 episode season but was cut back to 12. So some stuff suffers for it. For what Korra went through it is still one of the best animated shows right behind Avatar.

Cloud Kitsune

This is def one of my favorite episodes overall, 'cause it was great to see Sokka have a moment to feel better about himself and get an AWESOME SWORD.


Korra also has core character struggles/growth that are fundamentally different than Aang's in a way that really seems to irk some folks. I love her, connect with her and her story better than I do with Aang's, but I definitely can see why others don't.


Korra absolutely can be likeable (I connect with her and her struggles/growth extremely strongly) but she is definitely a character that is more taste dependent than Aang for a lot of people. It's hard to get into why without being spoilery but...she can be very frustrating in a way that is very believable and relatable but also not as easy to ignore or chalk up to "he's just a kid" as Aang's are. So if she doesn't work for you, she usually REALLY doesn't work for you.


Dont forget the graphic novels that serve as a sequel to series.


ATLA is indisputably better as a whole than Korra. In large part this comes down to it have a coherent identity and overall plan from the beginning, something Korra NEVER had. If I recall correctly EVERY Korra season is done as though it is the LAST Korra season (which can be pretty brutal to think about for some of them). The result is less of a coherent identity. Korra also suffers early on from not being sure what it was and trying to make it more similar to ATLA than it should have been, which results in some misses on characters/story beats. The show is still very good, and I adore Korra as a character (her not being a type that works for everyone is also a struggle for many) but there are definite low points in the early seasons.


Korra suffered a lot from Nickelodeon jerking them around. It was only supposed to be 1 season, as an epilogue for Avatar, but then Nickelodeon sees the numbers and goes "Make 3 more seasons!" And that's just the tip of the ice burg.


Chris, eh kinda right, it was more like Nick only greenlit one season/12 episodes without a guarantee for more till it was done and aired, so they had to make it contained in case that was all they got. this happened again for book 2 and was only after that greenlit for 3 and 4 at the same time. they were never given the proper breathing room to plan out a larger multi book/season story whether they wanted to or not idk.


This is pretty damn close to i feel about Korra as well, I'm here with you fellow Korra defender


I feel like a lot of people wanted a rip off of aang sadly.


ATLA is like a diamond that has been cut and polished up to near perfection; if you showed it to anyone they'd say it's a beautiful gem. Korra on the other hand is a diamond in the rough that has been mishandled and not cut as cleanly, but some faces shine brighter than any other. The question is how much you're bothered by those imperfections and if they really matter when the bright spots are so pretty? But they're both still diamonds in the end if you ask me. This metaphor has gone on way too long lol, and there's a lot more to say, but point is I think both are god tier and it's honestly hard for me to chose between the 2 personally.


Are you guys going to react to the shorts? They’re pretty fun. As for Korra I really like it. It has a lot of production issues. I think most atla reactors end up watching the live action movie, I think itd be fun to watch your reactions. But I understand not watching it.


Yeah, Korra’s great! But the issue is ATLA is just PHENOMENAL, so it’s like, following that up is going to be challenging in a lot of regards


Honestly I’d be interested in seeing them react to the movie, but personally I just find it so boring that I’m afraid they’d be bored out of their minds and barely have anything to say lmao


They've actually mentioned Lion Turtles before, back in the S2 episode "The Library". Aang showed Sokka a drawing of one in that episode.

Shawn Oxley

Nobody I know myself included likes The Legend Of Korra because it completely ruins so much from the original show and they also try to recreate the avatars crew with pale imitations however I will say it has 2 of the best episodes in the entire franchise by far (for anyone who knows its obviously the wan episodes)


i think that's the main thing though. the show focused on what was in trend at the time, mainly because nick forced them to. no one really cares about the romance in atla because it was geared toward a younger audience, but it was there just as much as (but obviously still less) than it was in lok, but they didn't focus on it because no one cared at the time. by the time korra came out and they were aiming at teens, romances were what people were focused on in media. it's dumb but it is what it is. also that's another thing. it's totally your taste not to think the show wasn't focused, but that's mainly because it was different arcs in each book rather than an over arching story like atla. it COULDN'T be focused because they never knew they were going to get a next season. also again, things being rare in atla means just about nothing in lok. different times, different stories. nothing will ever be balanced because it CAN'T be. things changed in their universe/characters and powers are just different in general.

Josh avarada

I've been waiting 3 seasons for them to react to buff Iroh. It did not disappoint


honestly I love korra but atla will always be my favorite. some aspects of korra I did enjoy over atla but not overall. also I will say that no matter what you think of korra, you at least have something pretty to look at and listen to- seriously the animation and music is *chef’s kiss*

Gavin Mcfadden

I honestly love Korra, it has weak pets but overall I truly do enjoy it more than avatar. It’s villains beat avatar no question. Don’t think anyone would argue that. It’s deliberately a much more mature show because it’s aimed for older audiences. I think it being more mature definitely threw a lot of fans off


Korra is great it's just not as good as ATLA

iron pirate76

Korra is great it's just not as good as ATLA, like korra is a 7 or 8 out of 10 and last airbender is 10/10

Leo Kester

The original will always be better but Kora is still great and has some great character and bending moments


I love Korra. It's different from the last airbender in a lot of ways. I know that a lot of people disliked it when it first aired because it was always compared to the original serie and the production was cahotic. I hope you will enjoy it beacause it adds a lot to the Avatar universe and every season is better than the last (season 3 and 4 are amazing).

matthew james Stromberg

I forgot about the shop keeper who just shows up tells everything about the master and just walks away imma call him Steve exposition

VJ Sins

team avatar confirmed that the powerup natural event for earth benders is earthquakes and tectonic movement

VJ Sins

Atla is great all over, and consistantly good, almost never bad. Korra is a more regular type show with ups and downs. Korra overall is the 2nd to me compared to ATLA. but Korra Season 3 is better then any single ATLA book on its own.

VJ Sins

Before you move onto korra you still have the shorts, the comics and maybe the M.Night Shamalayan movie if you wanna laugh at it


Legend of Korra is good (a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 overall) but some of its seasons are significantly better than others. With ATLA, even though everyone agrees Season 1 is the weakest, the quality doesn't vary as much between season to season imo. Definitely worth the watch though

Jan Ripken

I know that I'm not in the majority here but Korra has one season that is easily on par with ATLA's heights. Korra also has 4 completely different seasons. One incredible, one great, one mid and one bad imo.

K Jensen

Korra is only OKAY. My main issue with it is it contradicts basic lore from The Last Airbender.

Cloud Kitsune

Yeah, it's a real shame about how the crew couldn't really make the story they wanted. But the argument of it CAN'T be balanced, I can't agree with that. The whole point of the Avatar *was* balance. They were the center-piece of balance in their world. To make sure balance continued for all four nations and the spirit world. If the series can't keep up a balance... what's the point of it being called The Avatar series? =/

Tyler Brasher

Korra Season 1 8/10 Korra Season 2 6/10 Korra Season 3 10/10 Korra Season 4 9/10 Also in this episode the Sword Master is also the Master who taught Zuko how to swordfight. Its never explicitly said in the show though.


i personally think Korra is actually a great show! Lot of hate on the internet but I feel like most reviews are simply nitpicking. There's high and down but for the most part I think its fantastic! I feel like you guys will definitely enjoy it! Also Season 3 Korra is the SHIT. I was shocked by how good it was because to be frank, I think S1 and S2 are great but S3 of Korra is up there with ATLAB's best. Highly recommend!!!


there really is no actual concrete balance in the avatar universe though. that's the central theme of things: they're fighting FOR balance because there is NO balance during the events of their story. the avatar and the general public wants balance, but there are other people who continually want to be on top of everyone else, so balance is a fighting game rather than a concrete stopping point. it routinely gets balanced, then something or someone happens. and the balance is out the window again. that's the point. and each story, both aang's and korra's, tells their universes version of them fighting for that balance all over again. so they can't keep up true balance because that's what life is like. calling it "the avatar series" is to call it what it simply is: fighting for that balance against all things.


if you are up for more avatar content exploration then do watch korra. the story stumbles several time through out the show but if you hold on to it for the love of ATLA you'll be fine. lack of a head writer like Aaron Ehasz and the creators taking direction they simply didn't understand hurt korra. every director was making episode in their own way and plot felt all over the place in s2 especially.

Cloud Kitsune

But you said "there CAN'T be balance" vs "fighting FOR balance." That's two completely different things. Avatar is *about* balance, not that there CAN'T be balance. Again, I said this already. XD There is a huge list of reasons I can make about why i disliked TLoK, but that would delve into spoiler territory and I wanna avoid that as much as possible, in case they do react to it (and it most likely will happen, considering how many people actually enjoy the show). But, I will say this; one thing I LIKED about Korra, was Bolin, and the show even did him dirty. XD


To become a true master, you must first unlearn what you've already learned. Which gives Sokka a huge headstart.


avatar being about balance, is itself, a story of fighting for balance. that’s the baseline, no semantics of separation to make it fit in a mold. you have to FIGHT for the things/life you’re ABOUT. those are the same things. you can fight for something but it’s never guaranteed. so you can fight for balance, but there’s no definite that you’ll get said balance. it’s like the real world. we fight for equality (balance) every single day, have for YEARS, yet we still have none in MULTIPLE ways. because there CAN’T be equality (balance), but we still fight FOR equality (balance).


He's also the liquid metal robot that was sent to kill John Conner.

Brye Baker

The legend of korra is a good show and worth watching based on how much you guys seem to enjoy avatar. However because it had production issues/differences it is not a better sequel. It has the same kinds of amazing characters and humor and there are great moments but the overall story can be a bit disjointed and sometimes forced. But I personally think everything the show does can be justified if you want it to work but you can definitely say it doesn’t work if you try too tho. Overall it’s a worthwhile watch for the future of avatar media if nothing else.

Adam Bryski

I find Korra to be a very good series but for very different reasons. Avatar is very heavy on the themes of war, imperialism, indoctrination, and the effect those things have on people. Korra focuses more on politics, trauma, and the consequences of individual choices. Both series are character focused and highlight the growth and struggles of people. Korra stands well as its own series and should be treated as such

Cube Pylum

Book 2 isn't the best but overall I think Korra is a pretty amazing show

One G. O A. T. One Dream

I have my big issues with Korra, its not bad, its just that ATLA is so great and has set up such a great world, that Korra then takes in some directions that i feel close more doors on potential stuff than it opens new doors. Could have been better, is all im saying, but idk, it is more of the ATLA world and powers and that is great and woth a watch.


Fun fact: The 2nd shape that Toph bent the meteorite into was the Nickelodeon logo.


Yeah, basically Korra is really fun and enjoyable, but not the 10/10 masterpiece that is ATLA.

Jaya Norman

Korras bassically just a big time skip for the same series. Very different but not from a writing perspective

Lucile Byrd

Of course i prefer the original series, it is just so amazing (it is not without its flaws) but just because one is preferable over the other that in no way means that the Korra series isnt also amazing!