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This was one of the best Ben 10 episodes tbh. Reiny did change though not completely, which was realistic. It also showed us Ben's maturity and his thoughts on connection.


You guys said this episode felt pointless and no spoilers but there’s a storyline


He calls him Ben Ben Tennyson since that's how he introduced himself. He said he was Ben, Ben Tennyson. Like saying your first name first then saying your full name.


Nah this was one of my favorite episodes of the series. I remember this being the first episode of alien force I saw after seeing the OG series multiple times over

Hingle Mcringleberry

Rein calls Ben benzene Tennyson is because Ben introduced himself as "I'm Ben, Ben Tennyson" he's showing him respect by using his full name unlike when Ben used a nicknamed for him instead


Swampfire could fix the Highbreed’s arm because Highbreeds are in fact plants. They’re too egotistical to come in terms with that.


Also damn that Highbreed’s got bars. “Vermin-ridden-carcass” 😮‍💨

Brian Boon

The reason he calls him benben tennyson is because ben said: “my name is ben, ben tennyson.”

Kevin Anand

Trust me, this episode was very important

Ralph Chipps

he would of died if he went home


Isnt this episode 2 of season 2? Wheres episode 1?

Ahan Shankwalkar

I honestly enjoyed reiny here, he didn’t switch up in the end so he wasn’t a hypocrite.

Asad Khabir

'Ben turned him woke' Lmao but that' actually what happened 💀

Baron Salt

This episode was meant to give you a look into the mind of the highbreeds. They are essentially the alien version of racial supremacists who have just had generations of indoctrinated ideology that anyone other than themselves is lowly and aren't worth viewing as equal. It shows how that way of thinking can stunt individuals and cause them more harm than good.

Ranginald Vagel

When Ben was introducing himself he said, "I'm Ben---Ben Tennyson" Which Reiny misinterpreted as one long name(makes sense considering his species' long ass titles) which is why he called him BenBenTennyson after that.


Trust me, this episode had a purpose

Harry Branch

Please guys don’t be upset with their reaction or make cheap hints at the payoff of this episode. Just let them get to that eoisode & appreciate it in the future.

Christopher Phillips

This episode really showed Dwayne McDuffie's awesomeness when it came to writing. But yeah the highbreed is basically one big allegory to racism/bigotry. They truly believe that simply being born the race they are, makes them fundamentally better than everyone else. Ben showed Reiny how that was never the case.


It's a simple episode but I've always loved it idk what it is about it


This was always one of my favorite episodes

Shawn Oxley

I always liked the ep tbh

Beef Gristle Mill

i love in games and shows when the protagonist and the antagonist or some bad character have to work together to overcome a shitty scenario.