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Ranginald Vagel

Darwin having toes is definitely wrong


Aha but you forgot the one trait that makes Britain what it is. Stealing shit from other countries


Mashed potatoes and baked beans don't sound all that bad tbh. They're both things I like, so why not eat then together? Shit, I may be secretly British.

Asad Khabir

Your resident Bri'ish person here. So Ruff is kind of right and kind of wrong. He is right that Irish are not British since the Ireland is a seperate island from the island of Great Britian. So Scots and Welsh are British but Irish are not. But Northern (not the whole of Ireland) Ireland is part of the UK. Hence the name The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

Asad Khabir

Also the US was probably not the first country to come up with the revolutionary idea of boiling and mashing potatoes. People were likely doing that long before US even existed. You'll likely never get an accurate answer from Google on where a certain dish was invented.

Asad Khabir

Also I love how Boom says that British don't put spices in their food when we trekked halway across the globe conqured quater of the world just to get our hands on some spices

Asad Khabir

I know I am spamming messages but hell naw did you just say we eat weird food. Yall 'I eat dessert for breakfast' headass can't call our breakfast weird 💀

Asad Khabir

Yeah it is until you start collecting heart diseases like they are Pokemon cards.


I believe that it was scrambled eggs and beans and I would love that ngl. Some buttered fried bread and we feasting

Kevin Mcmanus

react to monsters inc brothas


Funny thing is i have watched gumball for years and i have never noticed that they are animated in shapes when there is a faraway shot


nah they taste good together, idk what they are talking about. that's just a southern bbq side dish plate.


as an avid sugary cereal and french toast drenched in syrup American, I do love savory breakfast as well, and damn if a "traditional British breakfast" doesn't look good as hell. i'd try the shit out of that if i could.


Huzzah for another food talk episode 😁

Ryan Hurley

You guys do know potatoes come from America right? Like, before we killed most of you and stole all your stuff, you could only find potatoes in America. Potatoes were definitely not around way longer than America


“The humble potato was domesticated in the South American Andes some 8,000 years ago and was only brought to Europe in the mid-1500s, from where it spread west and northwards, back to the Americas, and beyond.” maybe fact check next time 👍


You are completely right. Sorry about that, totally defaulted to US when you said America, don’t know why 🤦‍♂️


Before the discovery of The Americas, the rest of the world was potatoless, along with many other fruits and veggies that were only in the New World.