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Kemi Stanton

I cannot express how weird it is to now know who Justin Roiland is, after watching adventure time freaking YEARS ago before he made anything, and just knowing him as "the lemongrab voice"

Sincerely, the Best.

Next two weeks of episodes are going to be so fire

Cameron Joerman

How come it played the Fiona and Cake opening during this episode?


Even the intros are mixed up, so just know a fionna and cake episode is coming up, if not next episode

Sydney Horton

I literally just ate a peanut butter and honey sandwich for lunch. I have reached the summit

Sydney Horton

It's crazy looking back, knowing just how much stuff comes back around in later seasons


oh episodes are out of order for the op ep 5 was right but ep 6 was actually a later ep for the op anyway Hulu really messed up.

Julio Castillo

A shame that the Fionna and Cake Intro plays before it's intended to... It kinda takes away the surprise of the episode itself.


The childbirth thing I gotta say could not as bad as getting hit in the balls you wife tells you after you have a first born let's have another but you never hear a man hit me in the balls again.


Some exciting stuff upcoming but once season 4 &5 hits is when the show really gets into high gear


I am SO UPSET it played the wrong intro, such a tease, hahaha!


Bruh Hulu is so messed up. Even the intros are out of order


I think Boom should do the period pain simulator to see if he can handle the average period cramp(a way toned down version of birth contractions) since he thinks birth is easy.

Ben Asay

Boom, Peanut butter and Honey is my favorite the best 😎😅

Asad Khabir

Next week is the week. Remember to not skip the intro 🔫 Edit: Ok this is akward. They played the opening for the Fiona episode early. How tf do you even mess up the order of the intro. Well good thing no one was paying attention lol. I was like Ruff keep talking about toast, distract them!

Asad Khabir

Now that I am watching this episode after all these years, Lemongrab did not deserve that abuse

Asad Khabir

LSP could become a Youtuber with that apology

Kay M

bruh i didnt even think that was possible to mess up 🤣 Hulu is so bad. Wrong episode order is one thing but how do you mess up intro order


Not even slightly comparable. Sometimes during birth it literally tears....some women can go into cardiac arrest plus a plethora of other issues. A lot more goes into it then getting hit in the nuts (yes I'm a man saying this but also someone who's worked medical field)


You know it would be entertaining if you guys did do a period pain simulator...not to mention hilarious to say the least.


It was a comparison to the closest thing a man can experience to childbirth besides testicular torsion. Also, if it's that bad to give birth to a child why would women go through that pain 2,3 or 4 times and a man wouldn't so back to as I said before no man would willingly get hit in the balls multiple times but women would go through childbirth multiple times.


hate that you guys got spoiled on the intro lmao, just forget about it also we got lucky that you weren't paying attention to see the designs lol

Springtime Bonnie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-26 04:56:26 because The Monster is next to F&C, production-wise - together, they make up a full half-hour. That's why they share the same credits, too.
2023-05-25 22:45:40 because The Monster is next to F&C, production-wise - together, they make up a full half-hour. That's why they share the same credits, too.

because The Monster is next to F&C, production-wise - together, they make up a full half-hour. That's why they share the same credits, too.

Springtime Bonnie

because The Monster is next to F&C, production-wise - together, they also share the same credits, too.

Death Knight

bro they messed up the show order so much that they started airing the wrong intros lmao (hulu not you guys)


What Was Missing is next week… I’m excited

It’s Okuyasu Nijimura!!!

Dude you guys gotta try stuffed French toast with strawberries and strawberry cream cheese. It’s fantastic


Its funny that lumpy space princess is voiced by the creator of adventure time Pendleton Ward

JRax 17

Oh man I was waiting for lemongrab the show up one of my favorite and most underrated and insane characters on the show. Honestly, it’s crazy that his first appearance is more tame compared to his later ones

Will F

French toast is in fact ass