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You can see though just how conflicted Zuko is after he made his choice. That last shot of him facing away from Azula in particular.


Season three is also my favorite season. I can’t wait for next week.

Kemi Stanton

I feel like a lot of people get the same confused impression about Ty Lee, and none of you are wrong in thinking she has no choice but to be there. I've been in toxic friendships before, so to me it always read as a little of both genuine and forced. They've all been friends since they were little kids and it seems to me like Ty Lee has just never had many friends, as popular as she seems. She is used to being bossed around and pressured into doing whatever Azula wants, so it doesn't really bother her because it seems normal. It's sad tbh

Asad Khabir

If you are wondering, yes. Toph literally just invented a new form of bending


i bought patreon one or two weeks ago and binged your reactions up until last week and i didn’t realize until afterwards. i tried waiting for today’s reaction since im watching avatar for the first time with you guys but i couldn’t wait 😭. i started book 3 yesterday and i can’t wait for you guys to start watching it


I remember when the finale dropped I was on the firm katara and zuko train, Aang who?

Asad Khabir

Aang actually did die when he was struck by lightning. Katara literally brought him back to life.

Josh Switzer

We are here everyone!!!!! Time to begin book 3, I have been enjoying this journey with these guys. Them revisiting a show that means so much to all of our childhoods is something to always love. I hope they are excited for the last book!!!!! I also wanna say thank you to Sorta Stupid and I’m glad you guys are enjoying the story of this amazing series😊😊😊 I hope everyone has a good day/night.

Sydney Horton

Seohnee is the only one who processed what happens if you die in the Avatar State. Also, tell H man that Avatar did chakras better than Naruto.


I love seeing the steady progression of Zukos firebending, look at where he started and here he is going head to head with prodigies like katara and aang.


"dont flatter yourself, you were never even a player" such a HARD line

Kay M

Yeah it’s definitely still a type of earth bending just a different version of it. It’s like how swamp bending is still water bending but a different style and version. Metal is made from earth so Toph just tapped into the aspects of the earth that are still in the metal.


aang died


Love that Toph is the first metal bender ever. Heartbroken bc Zuko broke Iroh's heart... And The problem now is that while yes Aang successfully went into the avatar state on command, but he also died in the avatar state. Katara revived him, but dying in that state cuts the avatar off from their past lives.

Jason Rodriguez

Book 3 bout to be so good. Bout to be a great summer of avatar


I don't know if you guys realized but if Katara didn't have that water form the North Pole, Aang would actually have died form that lightning strike Azula shot

Julio Salazar

On the subject of why those Chakra lessons were so small. It was also a TV show in the 00s. The information is pretty good. Additionally could you imagine how much of an uproar it would cause Karen's if they had done more and gone into more detail on Hindu beliefs. I think they wanted to sneak it in without drawing too much attention to themselves.

William Timmins



You’d never think nick would allow an on screen death in any of their ip’s, this show pushes the all boundaries and is one of the reasons why it will always remain at the top my list regardless of whatever comes after it


Book 3 is where it all comes together. There's alot of things you've all jokingly said in the beginning that are gona come true now. You've had alot of theories some are so spot on and some are so far off tho. This whole season (not even an intended pun) is fire.


I believe the creators Mike and Brian talked in the ATLA podcast about wanting to have gone further in depth with the chakras but they did have to fit as much as they could into one episode. Also, back when it was released, there were a lot of polls on Avatar fan sites voting and petitioning to change the ending because everyone hated Zuko so much after what he did. I remember being so disheartened that I almost didn't continue watching 😅 but season 3 is so worth it! Can't wait to see you guys react to it.

Angel Hernandez

To explain metal bending a bit, Toph is bending the bits of earth in the metal to move the metal, not bending the metal itself. This won’t be too important till TLOK but just wanted to clear that up since I’ve seen people be confused about that in the past


Hoo boy! I rewatched that Iroh breathing fire scene like 3 times! So much going on. One of the best s2 finales right here. I am READY for y'all's book 3!

Ben Asay

I know how you feel Boom, Zuko made me upset too. 😅 book 3 is gonna be awesome though!


Toph = one of my all time favorite characters, period. I love everything about her so much. Her inventing metalbending is one of my favorite scenes of all time as well, and the way it’s shown alongside Aang and the Guru talking about the “illusion of separation”. The way she is able to “see” what others can’t, so she was not bound by the assumption that metal and earth are different. It’s just, ugh so well done.

Ranginald Vagel

There really are two universes, this one and the one where Zuko chooses to help Iroh


Yeah, it's mentioned in the next episode


Wish we got more Guru Pathik in this show.

Sly Spectre

An interesting thing is watching Iroh firebend cause he uses earthbending poses to firebend and that alludes to the episode where he told Zuko that he learned earthbending techniques from an earthbending master and applied them to firebending. I love the continuity.

Asher Dalbey

I think it’s worth mentioning that the reason Zuko had been getting better is that he had been forced to give up on capturing the avatar by his circumstances. So, when he had that chance again, he went for it. If he is to truly change he needs to make the decision to be better when he has other options

Blitz Cam

Yeah I feel like that was shown well enough. As to when she was trying to figure it out, the pieces of earth inside the metal were glowing.


When I was little when this premiered and saw zuko did that I legit cried I was sooo mad


never listen to the Blue Dragon


If book 2 is the thick spongy middle of the cake that really fills your belly. Then book 3 is all the icing on top you could ever want. All the payoff to the story and world building.


Other than One Piece, watching you guys react to ATLA I think has been my favorite reaction from you guys. I haven't watched it in many years, but ATLA has always really stuck with me. SOO excited for Korra!! ATLA is generally much better than Korra, but Korra has a very different vibe, darker, more 'adult' as the creators wanted the series to grow up with the audience. But Korra is still a great watch and super satisfying.


Can't wait for season three. You are gonna need to offset the 2 a week because there groups of episodes throughout at eps 10-11, 14-15 and 18-21 being the finale


I will NEVER get sick of coming back to this show and watching it all over again.


Just a clarifying fun fact: Juk is Korean rice pudding. So it’s like porridge but made from rice instead of traditional wheat.


"I'm so mad! Be the joy!"

Eshwar Tangirala

Yea PLEASE dont read the titles until the end of every episode, it will be a more enjoyable experience with no spoilers.

Silver Kyrie

Eh, for some shows I agree but none of the titles in this show are particularly spoilery at all and doesn’t seem to be hindering their enjoyment in any way. And in some cases it’s helped clear up confusion, like with the winter solstice episodes. Plus it’s not like the title is just in the episode listing, it shows it in the show itself at the beginning of the episodes, they’d have to intentionally look away from the screen, and risk missing anything at the beginning of the episode, which probably wouldn’t be much since it’s just a couple seconds, but still

Silver Kyrie

Like in this case, they read the title crossroads of destiny and were excited by it, but had no idea what it meant. They weren’t spoiled, they were still surprised by everything that happened, and if anything it raised their enjoyment by adding that hype, which is what a title should do. It is a part of the show after all. Some shows do do a bad job with their titles and have them spoil things, but this show is good with it’s titles.


If you ever feel like you've got the upper hand on Azula, check to make sure you've still got your wallet. And your kidneys.


No, he told Zuko he created a firebending move (redirecting lightning) "by studying the waterbenders." He doesn't mention earthbending.

Martin Mcfly

zuko makes a lot of mistakes and this is definitely his biggest, hes very real that way


True change doesn't come about when you have no choice but to go along with what life gives you. Rather, it comes when you're tempted to do something and choose not to do it.


I don't really think episode titles are a spoiler when you're at the episode. Sure, they're spoilers if you're reading them before you've gotten to where you can watch the episode, but not if you're literally watching the episode.


In fact, don't even try to get the upper hand. She's already won, anyway.

Winter Rian ~

Now my favorite book is about to begin! I know its a bit early for that but I really hope you guys start watching Korra aswell, after ATLA has finished :D

Kay M

yeah nah this show isnt like One Piece where the title spoils the whole episode plot. For this series it actually makes sense to read the titles first. None of the titles are spoiler anyway as they dont give context until you actually watch the episode. In One Piece they literally spoil what important event happens in that episode in the title but not with ALTA.


Does anyone know if they're going to react to the comics that occur between book two earth and book 3 fire?


Just a heads up as we're moving into book 3, no spoilers but the final episode is a 4-parter, however y'all fancy planning around that scheduling mess

Natasha C.

I'm only a few minutes in but since you guys are into food - what they are referring to as "jook" is the Cantonese word for what you guys would recognize as "congee"or rice porridge :). We often make it in my family when someone is sick, which Zuko was recovering when Iroh made it!

Ye Mubai

This is one of the best descriptions for this show. I never thought of it that way before.

Laura D

I feel like "happy" dump Zuko we see recently was too happy. He felt fake. Like he switched from trying to be the son his dad wanted and was trying to force himself to be what he thought Iroh wanted.

Kayla Kulik

I knew exactly why Zuko went to his dad, and you need to think from the perspective of an abused child. He went back because from an abused child, they would do ANYTHING to get what little love they can get from their parent. It doesn’t matter that Iroh was there for him, and giving him the love that he deserves, because all Zuko wants is that kind of love from his DAD, and he’ll do anything to achieve any closeness he can get to him. Because it doesn’t matter that someone else is giving him love, all he wants is what he deserves from his dad, real love, so he will always chase after that. Hence why he will always go back to his dad until he is ready to leave by himself. No Iroh persuading him, just him and him alone admitting the truth of what he feels towards his dad.

Amy Petty

People! Can you seriously just not HELP yourselves?!? This is a spoiler.

Amy Petty

He did indicate pretty clearly that he studied all forms of bending in order to become a better firebender overall.


“I am The GREATEST Earthbender in the world! Don’t you dunderheads ever forget it!” One of my favorite lines in the show


Yeah seeing him bending again made me think that was part of it as well. With the tea shop they'd have to pretend to be non-benders for possibly the rest of their lives which Iroh may be content with but I think over time Zuko would have struggled with that.