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Ranginald Vagel

Man this show is so hinged in the beginning. Guess that’s why I don’t revisit the cheeked up Nicole era, too sane. Downright comprehensible.

The gravity community

"I feel like the universe doesn't want him to have a job" He has no idea how right he is lol


“the blame” the 34th episode of season 4 isn’t a banned episode, it’s an episode where the plot is about a ban. i don’t think there are any banned episodes


The show doesn’t necessarily have a story or plot but things do tie/have small plots in later seasons


"I think the universe doesn't want that man to work" XD

striker 15

Yeah this show is weirdly episodic while at the same time certain events and character developments carry over through out the series,plus there is eventually a main plotline later on in the show


The H-Fans want interpretative dance


the plot and the rules of the show is so meta and insane that you don't understand the plot or this world until you've seen the show a few extra times.


If you guys are watching shows like Gumball and Adventure Time, I'd suggest Regular Show if you guys get the chance. It's the same quaility as those shows. And it's more relatable since the main characters are working class citizens instead of kids

Thomas Hill

this episode has unlocked memories of the rest of the show it only gets better

m yungo

Can I get new discord link? The one in this post seems outdated.. And thanks for your video.


The closest thing to a banned episode is a S2 episode where they deleted a certain scene from an episode for US airings.


yeah, it DOES kinda have a story, but not one like AT or SU. think of it like the story of a Slive Of Life Anime. its not a heavy plot or lore rich story, but it's somewhat linear with some things.


they must've accidentally generated an expirable link. here ya go https://discord.gg/naninoanime


if they do watch RS, they should watch the "pilot" on youtube (the one they made when they wanted it to be an Adult Swim show) too cause tbh knowing that this show was SUPPOSED to be for adults makes it a whole lot better