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Donkey Waxplay

Waited for th e notif let’s gooo

Kemi Stanton

Man Amythest is such a mood here, like I relate so hard to the "I get mad at myself and then I suck" line.

Stash Jones

Yoooo and so begins some Amethyst focus. There's some nice dimension for Amethyst upcoming. :)


triple episode!


That Amethyst beat down is always rough

Kemi Stanton

Something to note about Amythest too now that we're getting into it - it's extremely likely that she always regenerates her form so fast/rushes reforming because she IS so insecure about emerging after everybody else in the kindergarten was gone. Even if she didn't know what she was supposed to look like, she's always known that she was "late" in a sense. It seems to me like it's always bothered her.

Ian Holmes

A cool detail that is very subtle is that after amethyst reforms, in all the episodes after her eye is kinda squinted bc she rushed her form after being head butted from Jasper.


I love that bit at the end of Amethyst being upset at people ignoring that she does have a legit issue. While it's entirely from a place of love and by no means should her having what amounts to a disability define her, there is a point where you do have to acknowledge it exists rather then just act like it doesn't, if for no other reason then it's a lot harder to come to terms with your own feelings about it if everyone else acts like this isn't an issue at all.


I always thought she reformed quicker than usual because that’s just how fighting Gems are built😅


Nice catch on the Diamonds. And just to say again in case you forgot the gems costumes change after returning. Cause I remember you guys not noticing the first time lol.

William Timmins

This is essentially one of the variations of toxic positivity, that often essentially invalidates your frustrations and processing of the issues you are going through.

SK Elkins

It's also a nice rebuttal to the stance that Amethyst herself was taking with Peridot in "Too Short To Ride," which I really appreciate. It's all very well to be told that you can do and be anything you want...right up until you hit a genuine, built-in, unyielding limitation. Then that sort of toxic positivity just becomes awful. Amethyst is never going to be as huge and muscled as a non "overcooked" quartz, and Peridot is never going to be able to shape-shift. And that's okay.


"You've RUINED the RUINS!" That has to be one of my fav lines of this show.


Sad they have not seemed to notice Love Like You evolving


Another fact about white pine needles, if you add them with sugar to a sealed bottle of water and ferment them in the sun for 3 days, it carbonates and tastes just like Sprite!


I mean to be fair Amethyst *doesn't* tell Peridot that she can do and be anything she wants. She does actually tell her that even if she can't shape-shift that's okay, they like her for who she is not who she isn't.