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We've explained in the discord but in case you missed them over the past few weeks there were back to back issues that popped up.

I (Ruff) was on a short vacation visiting family. Then my flight was delayed then Erik (SeeOhKnee) lost a family member so we decided to give him time to grieve instead of forcing him to record more.   

We're getting back on track with things this week. Videos will all still come out the day they are scheduled. Timing may just be different this week. Obviously most of the inquiries have been normal but there has been a few that have been extremely toxic and negative which we have removed those people from the patreon.

Please understand that we are all just humans. Time to grieve is needed and sometimes issues arise that prevent us from recording. We already record so much every week that we can't realistically get ahead for the series we do double episodes of.

We do our best to make sure everything comes out on time and as far as I know we haven't just missed any videos. Videos have just been a little late because we still need to record, edit and upload those videos.

Avatar will come out today when we are done recording/editing/uploading it. Same goes for any other series. We don't have a promised upload time for these series although we obviously try to get them up the same time each week. That won't always happen but all we ask is y'all understand we are doing our best to make sure y'all get the content we offer. Thank you to everyone who has been understanding we appreciate you!


Ben Asay

I know exactly how Seeohknee feels. Idk why anyone wouldn't be understanding. Let him know my condolences I hope I can help in anyway. No worries guys I hope everything smoothes out and gets better. Take care guys 😅

Harley Taylor

I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing someone is one of the hardest things to go through. Take your time, grief is not linear in the amount of time it takes to recover. Give your kitty (or kitties) lots of cuddles and have something warm to drink and you will get through this.


It is all good. Your personal lives must always come first before any of this. God bless and I hope things become better.

Kemi Stanton

Please do not worry or trouble yourselves over it. In this content churning environment I think some folk, especially younger ones, have this expectation that you need to always be on and on top on things, but you are all people first. All of my condolences to Seeohknee, few things are as hard to endure as loss of a loved one. Please take your time and go at whatever pace you need. We'll be here.

Dotty Davis

Please take your time and take care of yourselves, we can be patient, well, your true fans will. We know you're doing your best, just know we're here to support💙💙💙


Take ur time guys & dont stress urselves, appreciate the heads up tho


Thanks for the update. Take all the time needed. Working under heavy stress is a great path to depression and anxiety. As long as I'm not left in the dark about the fact that things are delayed (not even necessarily needing a legit reason for it), I would never complain. I think most supporters are like that. We understand and have patience for life's curve balls.

Stash Jones

Thank you for the heads up! I personally think it's more important to make sure that ya'll are okay than it is to get a video out at a set time of day. If videos are a few hours late, then I see that as totally fine. I'd never want you guys to wear yourselves down just to get something out earlier.

Andrew W

Condolences to SeeOhKnee and his family on their loss. Thanks for the update on timing - health and family first, should go without saying.


I'm so sorry for your loss.

Kenneth McGill

I just assumed it was patreon being weird. Either way take your time guys I'm just here for the ride.


I was starting to wonder why videos seemed like they were coming out a bit later than usual, just assumed it was Hman's fault (y'all teasing him has kinda rubbed off on me) but take as much time as you guys need. And don't listen to the buttheads who try to rush you or constantly beg for more uploads- I seriously don't understand how people are like that. I am sure the large majority of us won't mind if y'all take a long break from recording if that's what SeeOhKnee needs. Personal needs should always come before work. :)


Don't even worry about it, genuinely if people complain about it they can be patient.

wanira 11

My god please take all the time you need, I don't understand why people have to be so awful


*Completely* understandable. You guys take all the time you need. We'll be here whenever it's uploaded.

Kay M

It really blows my mind how there can be so many ridiculous and insensitive people who think you guys don’t have lives outside of work and complain if you aren’t working on their schedule. Those people need to leave. My condolences to SeeOhKnee and his family 🙏 You guys take all the time you need.


Take all the time you need to get back to normal schedule. If people aren't respectful of that they shouldn't be welcomed in the community.

JAN Sandwich

Condolences to you and yours, SeeOhKnee. Health and family always come first, so take your time, guys.


Condolences to SeeOhKnee and his family on their loss. health and family always comes first, take all the time you need. We'll be here whenever it's uploaded.


Y'all are doing great! Don't even worry about it!

Andre Avery

My geart goes out to SeeOhKnee and his family for their loss. Take all the time you need. We all will be fine. Losing a loved one isn't easy

Night Skye

Take all the time you need. As you said, we are all human. Condolences to SeeOhKnee and his family. 😢❤️💔❤️‍🩹❤️