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Bowie Jenne

You’re going to find that over the course of the show, the writers pull a “Mr. Krabs and Plankton,” if you know what I’m saying.

Ranginald Vagel

Hold up people don’t dislike Bubblegum, you just severely underestimate how much they love Marceline


We don't hate PB just we like Marcy more


I'd argue Bubblegum is very much one of the top three characters of Adventure Time, any hate for her character hardly reflects the overall fandom. But any hate or blind love for a character can come across as very loud so as always it's better to just watch and form your own opinions. Which I'm sure everyone already knew, but still! That said, yeah people just REALLY love Marceline.


Well they were just video game characters so to them it was like a prison, and you will get more BMO it will be awhile though


Really excited for the first two episodes next week


Oh no no, you misunderstand! The fandom doesn't hate bubblegum! Bubblegum and Marceline are two of the most popular characters in the show! It's just Marceline has a more impactful character arc and is overall higher on the tier list for pretty much everyone. I voted for Marcy, but I loooove Bubblegum too!

Asad Khabir

Even though I voted for Marceline, I believe Pb is a far more complex character. Probably the most complex character in Adventure Time. There is a very popular theory in the fandom that she might have some level of Anti Social Personality Disorder. ASPD has many symptoms but one of the more common ones is the lack of empathy. This does help to put some of her actions in perspective.


And yes! The ending theme does have a full length version :) And it was written for this show! Fun fact, the creator of Steven Universe is the one who wrote the ending song as well as a lot of the other songs showcased in this show. I'm pretty sure she wrote all of Marceline's songs.


I don't hate Princess Bubblegum, I just adore Marceline


I don't think sugar wrote Island song, the band LAKE did. And they didn't write all of Marceline's songs either, only some of them.


LMAOO nah not that many ppl hate bubblegum ppl just REALLY REALLY love marceline theyre the two most popular characters of the show. the love for marcy is just unparalleled


I join this. Bubblegum is awesome, but Marceline ... just wait a bit


You're right! I got the ending theme and the finale song mixed up! ^-^ She wrote the ending finale song! And I wasn't sure on Marceline which is why I said "pretty sure" But she did right most of them. :) I double checked! Pretty much every Marceline based episode she was on the storyboard for.

Dylan Singewald

The outro song does have a full version, it's called island song.


Great reaction. Here is some love for H-Man. Keep it up buddy. You are the mind that keeps track of the lore. RuffSenpai, I am also subscriped to your patreon. So I challenge you to give a geninue compliment to H-Man in your next reaction (once you either read this or heard this). Just to balance out the friendly banther which I also enjoy :-)

Jella Jellobean

Uh oh ya'll may get a similar reaction that you got for the Pearl comments with the Bubbegum one. Uh oh I'm scared for ya'll

Stash Jones

I'm gonna echo what a lot of other comments are saying. Marceline and PB are both so beloved in the AT fandom. It's just that Marceline tugs the heart strings a little more and is a bit more relatable than PB. PB's character is excellent too but in a different way. Instead of a "Which character is great and which character is trash" poll, your poll turned into a "Which character is 1% more beloved than the other?"


You guys might want to rewatch the part when Finn puts on the glasses and pay attention to the stuff flying by, you missed something big 😳

Golden Witch Beatrice

Simply put it’s not that PB What s hated it’s just that Marceline is Zoro level of popular compared to PB’s Robin level of Popularity

Will F

Just wait till you meat the real PB not this cherry bubblegum façade