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We’re finally here let’s enjoy this then peak Ben 10 next week with Alien Force🔥🔥🔥

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 20:50:48 So for Alien Force next week you guys might want to skip the intro at least for the first episode because it spoils the show a little
2023-04-17 17:04:05 So for Alien Force next week you guys might want to skip the intro at least for the first episode because it spoils the show a little

So for Alien Force next week you guys might want to skip the intro at least for the first episode because it spoils the show a little

Christopher Phillips

Hey guys, I'm curious, if you all could make your own omnitrix with 10 of the aliens Ben unlocked (Including Ben 10,000) who're y'all putting in it?

Tom Nougat

So it goes OG, alien force, ultimate alien, and Omniverse. That is the canon timeline for Ben 10

Timothy Treco

Finally, alien force. The best of the best. Arguably. Also it would be hysterical if they watch race against time! Edit: reconsidered. Race against time and destroy all aliens...well, maybe they can watch them later. Destroy all aliens is meh, race against time is funny but that's about it. Alien force is the best so I wouldn't delay it


don´t watch the live action movie. It´s really bad


Watch the live action movie. It's really bad

Timothy Treco

Fun fact for you guys, hope you end up reading it. The movie has three beginnings. Depending on where you lived when it first aired on TV Ben either uses XLR8, Heatblast, or Eye Guy for the first time in the intro. It was hard to find the others for a while.

Soul Reaper

big alien is called waybig ik how original butvhes 10

Soul Reaper

i remember the movie came out as 1 big 2h special but then when streaming happened and s4 already had a end it wasn't clear were to put it but besides the cgi and live action movie you are done with the original series


The big Alien is called "Way Big" just to let you know

Timothy Treco

Sadly, we never get to See atomix. That one is called Way Big, his strongest alien. For now at least.


I would say watch both movies the live action one you can watch now it's not the best but it's fun and the cg movie watch after a season or 2 or alien force

Timothy Treco

I concur, after season 2 of alien Force but before season 3 of alien force would be the best part to watch the three movies. Including the second live-action one which is called alien swarm. Season 2 of alien force is the end of the main alien Force story and then season 3 is a bunch of mini arcs and one-offs.


Btw the Omnitrix has a built in universal translator supposedly

Hingle Mcringleberry

I dont know why this movie was acting like this is the first time ben learnt about sacrifice it's something he did in the first season he is selfish but he dosent only care about himself

Artemis Arrow

Watch both Race against Time and Destory all Aliens. Race against time while...eh... it introduces things for the next series.


I think they have some good things about them but they’re doing AF next week anyway

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 20:50:48 *The police telling me they discovered 4 dead bodies in my basement* Me: Who knew?
2023-04-17 18:21:24 *The police telling me they discovered 4 dead bodies in my basement* Me: Who knew?

*The police telling me they discovered 4 dead bodies in my basement* Me: Who knew?


They’re doing Alien Force next week people have been saying to skip the movies at least for now

Matthew Martin

5 minutes of the combined next two movies are cannon the rest is useless. So feel free to skip those due to the story not being affected with it without the knowledge.

Kevin Anand

Don’t worry about the movies for now I’d say. Alien Force is what I’m excited for the most.


You can skip the movies for now and Omniverse is Canon, the reboot is in a more toddler friendly style


There’s 4 actually there’s also one with wildvine


No omniverse is part of the series’s and not the reboot, the reboot is Ben as a 10 year older again


My personal vote would be go straight into alien force and then after season 2 do race against time and destroy all aliens, because anything that ties back to those movies doesn't happen until after alien force season 2

Steve McGinnis

Omniverse is the continuation of both Alien Force & Ultimate Alien, but the animation & personalities go in a completely different direction.


I really enjoy Destroy All Aliens, I think they should watch that one just later


they are not there yet though so I think that kinda is a spolier


Where have they said they are doing alien force next week? from my understanding, they are using this comment section to decide.

Death Knight

omniverse has a very mixed... look on it cause, in original ben 10 its a mix of like fun and serious in alien force it starts to ramp up more on the serious scale then by ultimate alien its pretty much full blown serious situations (but it never loses the humor for the most part) but then you get to omniverse... and it basically swaps all of that back around to being mostly jokey and not very seriously taken at all some people liked it some hated it and omniverse also had some scenes that kind of.... killed the perception of a lot of bens aliens? but id still reccomend alien force and ultimate alien next 100%


Omniverse while may have it's issues I think has some of the best arcs and moments in the show and for that I love it so much


It's really just the art style/animation. Ben's personality always changes dramatically, especially from AFs1&2> AF s3 > UA


I think I saw that someone brought this to Ruff’s attention in the discord a couple weeks ago, so I think they plan to (hopefully)


The live action and cgi movie are only Canon because there's a multiverse, but they're not Canon to the main story line of the shows.

Harry Branch

Alien Force peak fiction fr

Ranginald Vagel

God I'm so excited here we go Alien Force next week

Death Knight

yeah true, im not saying its all bad but with its really big highs it also has some really low lows that was the main point just that it has a very mixed look on it


Watching Destroy All Aliens is fine but if you don't want to watch the live action movie you really don't have to, as it's honestly not that good.

Christopher Phillips

Omniverse is not a reboot. There is an artstyle change and a couple soft retcons, but it's still very much tied in w/ all the Ben 10 series preceeding it. The actual reboot is the 2016 series, and the 5th iteration of the show. I'll be honest Omniverse is 4th place for me personally, but that's not because it's a bad show, just overall I enjoy it's predecessors more. I'd even go as far to say it does some things better than the original. (Plus it's miles better than the reboot by comparison.) I highly recommend watching it if you end up really enjoying alien force and ultimate alien.

Christopher Phillips

I also recommend watching Race against time as it's referenced later but...I also don't have that many praises to sing for it. It was a live action CARTOON NETWORK movie back in 2007, so I recommend going into it with expectations cogniscient of that lol

Taka Uchiha

Simply put. Watch these next: Ben10 Alien Force Ben10 Ultimate Alien Ben10 Omniverse Don't Watch this: Ben10 Reboot BECAUSE ITS BASICALLY Fanfiction!!!

Christopher Phillips

BTW, Will you guys be watching the Ben 10 shorts that are coupled w/ the OG content? They're like 6 minutes long and each kinda funny lol. Also, did you know that this movie has two alternate openings? You've seen the Heatblast one, but they have one with Eye Guy and Xlr8 too.


i love this movie, the alien is called "way big" btw and the live action and cg movie are not cannon and the series goes from ben 10 to omniverse and the there is the reboot that isnt worth watching


The only live action I recommend is Ben 10 alien swarm


Technically everything is canon but I agree don’t worry about either of the movies yet


Next is Ben 10: alien force


the cgi movie is still good imo at least also the multiverse thing is a bit of a spoiler


That huge alien was Way Big, not Atomix. Atomix has a more name-appropriate power-set and isn’t gonna be around for a long while.


They really should watch the movies. It sets up things later, plus doesn't actually spoil anything at all. It's not gonna be a smooth transition to watch the movies in the middle of Alien Force or any other sequel. The tone shift will be rough, and there won't be any time for them to go "Oh wow its that thing from the movies we saw awhile ago" since they'll just immediately watch the episodes that involve those things. It's supposed to surprise the viewer with the knowledge that the movies actually were canon.


They haven’t specifically said they are yet but everyone in the comments have been saying skip the movies

James Mcdonald

The big aliens name is way big. Atomics is a different alien.


mass effect is the best story drivin shooter ever in my opinion


Ben 10 Race Against Time IS canon to the story so it’s important for you guys to watch. After Race Against Time is Destroy All Aliens. Also Ben 10 Omniverse is not the reboot. It’s the final installment in the series.


I agree, they need to watch Alien Swarm then anyway so they may as well watch the other two movies there as well.


They should watch the other two when they watch Alien Swarm (since that one is the only one of the three which is properly canon).


I'd suggest just going into Alien Force next week and watching the two movies when you have to watch Alien Swarm after Alien Force S2 since that's the only canon movie of the three.


I REALLY hope they skip the intro song of Alien Force Episode 1! It has some spoilers and I truly hope they don't get ruined from it

King Davis

Ben 10: Omniverse isn't the remake

Kaleb Daub

The 2 movies are a fun watch, and pseudo cannon. But not necessary.


They're skipping it for episode 1 (and possibly episode 2 as well)


The movies are not required to watch, even the CG one, but watch them if you want a bit extra from the first series. Personally, I don't like them very much so I'm a bit biased and would prefer you all to just go into Alien Force next week. In addition, neither of the movies are fully canon, and have no bearing on the future of the series, so they are not necessary to watch.


Ben 10 Alien Force next wooooo. Just make sure you skip the intro on episode 1. It has some big spoilers!


Man I hope alien force is next week instead of destroy all aliens

King of The Trees 06

Race against time Introduces a villain that will show up later on

Matthew Martin

I actually enjoy both of them but want them to move to the next season since it is just filler they can watch at another time when more relevant.


Wait is Boom a Toku fan? He knows Ultraman and I had thought his username was an Super Sentai reference.


That was actually Way Big, Atomix is a different alien but Ken did mention them both during the Ben 10000 episode

Ahan Shankwalkar

Don’t watch the movies watch alien force

Ahan Shankwalkar

Alien force is way better than the original series, I don’t think u should watch any of the movies


Race Against Time is...a bad movie but it's fun in a bad way lol. It's somewhat non-canon, but it IS connected to the main storyline. It doesn't hurt to skip it, but I WOULD say it's important and it would be good to watch for extra context if you want that whole Ben 10 experience. Maybe you guys can watch it offscreen? As for Destroy All Aliens, it's a fun little movie to watch. Not necessary at all, but good if you want some content. The other live-action movie for Alien Force, Alien Swarm, is canon. And yeah, Omniverse isn't the reboot. It's the final part of the series. Omniverse is personally my favorite out of the 4 parts, but Alien Force is the BEST one. I'm looking forward to watching your reactions!!

iron pirate76

the giant alien ben turned into is not atomix, he said the name when he transformed "im not just big i'm WAY BIG" thats the name of the big alien WAY BIG


I can agree to that. I also knew alot of people that didn't stick around cause they didn't like the animation style. But the story was pretty good so the animation really didn't bother me much cause of that

Roronoa Zoro

If they really skip the movies then when they start alien force some of ya need to explain the very beginning. How that ended up happening. I’m still not even sure how it happened.

Thine Tiny Equine

I liked this movie, but you can tell it was a bit rushed. A lot of VA work was done and then the context was slightly changed. They also missed out on Azmuth actually doing any sort of explaining about the watch. I don't recommend watching Destroy All Aliens because its canon status is all over the place. You could say it's an alternate universe, but a version of it happened in the universe the show follows. Basically, they made it canon in the very last series for an extremely small detail I don't think is even said in-show, but it still contradicts a lot of things. Race Against Time is kind of canon, except it takes place in another alternate timeline. Not a future timeline, a literal alternate world timeline. The villain exists in the main story, but I don't think the movie is required to get context on him. It suffers from CN's surplus of fuck you money during that time period, and so there are holes in the plot. I honestly say skip all the way to Alien Force since the events of that don't rely on the movies (in fact, RaT was released during AF, so it's really inconsequential.) The verdict: Both movies were supposed to be canon, but they were both released retconned or got retconned immediately after. And neither one is really all that good. And you're welcome to ignore the 2016 reboot. It suffers from Zoomer humor and just milks the dead cow. On top of that, it generally breaks lore. In terms of the modern Flash animated reboot series (Pony Life, Teen Titans Go, Ben 10 2016) it probably rates in the middle, if not slightly lower than TTGo, just in my opinion.


The movies aren’t a necessity for understanding anything actually At MOST it’s small tie ins


This! I hope they read this since you’ve hit the nail here

Bradin tasker

i think it would be better if they went right to alien force


I don't think Bloxx is in the reboot, he's in Omniverse though. Definitely don't skip Omniverse, it's got some of my favorite moments in all of ben 10.... Definitely a lil weird though.


I think omniverse is the best of the 4 series

iron pirate76

omniverse is a continuation, its just they switched up the art style/animation

Will F

Omniverse is the last of the timeline before the remake, also you need to watch all the movies for important alien force context


Tbh, the movies are unnecessary given as a LOT of stuff from even the OG series get retconned in the other iterations. I honestly want us to get to Alien Force quickly, but I also think it'd be best to set up a poll to see the majority vote. I'm good with either, but I would say you should ignore the movies.


Umm Ben's new alien isn't Atomix his name is Way Big


Live action Ben 10 movies are not worth watching you can skip those completely Ben 10 Destroy All Alien's is alright because it has original voice actors and don't for get the Ben 10 shorts and Bens new Alien is called WayBig. The order is Ben 10 AF Ben 10 UA Ben 10 Omniverse and then the new Ben 10 from 2016 is not worth watching at all


Dont watch either movie before gettng to Alien Force. They are pretty boring and irrelevant. I believe nothing from them ever comes up again. Maybe one small thing that no one cares about. Please dont watch the movies. Please go straight into Alien Force. 🙏


Omniverse is not the remake. It is the sequel to Ultimate Alien. You watch it after Ultimate Alien. The remake is just called "Ben 10", it has no sub-title such as Ben 10: "Alien Force", Ben 10: "Ultimate Alien", or Ben 10: "Omniverse".


The live action is cannon and has some future relevance. The other one i would skip


In all honesty I would just go ahead and do Alien Force immediately

Shawn Oxley

destroy all aliens is lit but the live action is meh

Roronoa Zoro

So there’s no real explanation about the beginning. It’s hard to say exactly what i mean without spoiling tho.


Live action Ben 10 movies are as bad as Mortal Kombat Annihilation and Street Fighter and Dragon Ball Evolution


I really hope they go straight into Alien Force next week

Nathan Smith

Ben 10 alien force next


the movies can be skipped honestly they don't add anything important to the canon so i would recommend going straight into alien force

Bart Kavanagh

it WAYBIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yall were killing me