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Just want to let you guys know something important about Peridot, and her character in general! (no spoilers, just explaining actions) Peridot is very heavily coded to have Autism. A lot of her actions reflect this concept and explain her way of thinking and reactions to certain events. For example: When she made fun of Amethyst a few episodes ago, it was because she genuinely didn't know what she was saying was hurtful. She has issues communicating and bonding with others, and she saw that her insults (initially) caused Amethyst to like her. She's also EXTREMELY literal in what she says and means, and also takes thing literally. Examples: “you’re a real gem peri” “yes I am a gem”, “this drill is pure irony!” “actually it’s mostly carbonite”. She gets very upset when she doesn't understand things, such as when she gets frustrated when people give her a reaction she didn't expect/that fell out of line with what she's used to. A significant part of this also ties in with the introduction of Camp Pining Hearts in this episode, and how she obsessively watched ONE SINGLE EPISODE on loop for 3 days straight, enough to infer certain character dynamics and make a chart regarding it. She shows herself to have a special interest in the show. None of this is /officially/ stated, but many people with Autism, including myself, immediately picked up on it and identified with it, as aspects of this is similar to how we feel. (note: not all autistic ppl feel this way, and some people could even say peridot is the exact /opposite/ of how they are, but that just shows the variety in the autism spectrum)


I'm so glad we're almost done either this part, I never cared for the cluster arc very much.

Sydney Horton

I can't wait for next week. That's all I can say.

Kemi Stanton

I love that moving forward Peri always uses the "wow thanks" exclusively when she feels like somebody has given her a gift or done something nice. I say it all the time too it's leaked into my vernacular lmao


Bro I gotta wait A WEEK FO


When your watch the episodes make sure you pay attention to the backgrounds sometimes the answers are right in front of you 😊

Kay M

wow I didnt even notice this when i first watched this. I have an autistic brother so I definitely see it now that you've mentioned it. Thats awesome if that was intentional. Her character and personality definitely reflect it


I think this episode firmly shows that Peridot is Asexual which makes sense since she was uncomfortable with fusing with garnet. Peridot is just gonna be herself through the rest of the series


It's likely it was intentional (due to just how much there is) but I'm assuming due to Rebecca Sugar and the crews NDA, we never really got any confirmation on it, similar to a lot of other characters lgbt coding (Lars being the biggest example).


" Apparently more than you, you CLOD!" I love this moment and the immediate meme following

Matt R

delete this no need to say anything


Pearl is another character many people feel is autistic-coded. I see some find her more relatable and some Peri. Shows the variety in the spectrum, like you said. 🙂 Rebecca Sugar has stated that she doesn't consider any of the Gems to be neurotypical.


peridot’s my personal favourite character for absolutely no reason other than shes cute


Yep, fusion represents different relationships depending on the individuals and their bonds, and in Peridot's case her uncomfortability with the idea of fusing represents asexuality. The show talks a lot about fusion, but also respects those who won't or can't fuse (like Greg and Rose.)

Plop Plop

Have you guys seen Rick and morty


I do so love how Garnet handled this, calmly offering to help her understand, never pushing Peridot, letting her go at her own pace, and even when Peridot backs out at the last minute is completely fine and supportive of her not pushing herself to do anything she doesn't feel ready for.


All hail the glorious Lime Dorito!


As excited as I am for next week (they are NOT ready for it), I just realized that in 2 weeks...it's over, isn't it?

Bruna G

Also not the finale, my dudes 😅 ( the next two have the intended climax, the weird order is a result of CN fucking up the schedule, again :/ )


wrong. season 2 ends here. seasons 2-4 have 25 episodes each.

Bruna G

It ends here according to the official schedule, yes, ~as a result of the network fucking around with the airing and production. Otherwise, what is a sane reason for a season-long arch to reach its climax in the first two episodes of the subsequent season?


The gap between the end of season 2 and the beginning of season 3 is where I started watching the show, allll the way back in 2016. It was a wild (and confusing at times) journey to watch this show as it came out, and I can't wait to see what you guys think of the rest!


that is the finale which is log date 7 15 2

Bruna G

@Calvin kinda rude, man. Look, I was in the fandom back then, the scheduling conflict wasn’t JUST irregular airing without promotion and loosing time slots to reruns of Teen Titans Go, it was also miscommunication with the Crewniverse (obviously the crew doesn’t control the schedule, but they DO have to plan around it when it comes to seasonal/mini story arcs and stuff), before they settled on the Steven Bomb format. We know, from tweets and interviews w/ the crew, that they were having trouble with the network (which eventually led the show to be soft-cancelled*), AND that the trouble was, in great part, because of the queer themes and characters (there was also some BS about about it having a largely female audience - apparently there can be only one (1) “girl show” at a time). *very mild spoiler: this is why the last season was SO rushed, they were cancelled and only had those few episodes to finish telling the story. Then they were “uncancelled” and we got the movie and SUF. (See the Rebecca Sugar interview, but beware of some major spoilers)


I mean...the actual intended finale of S2 is the finale of S3. Because they were produced as 1 season and CN just split it into 2. Sure there's a climax to this specific arc earlier in S3 but I wouldn't say that episode feels any more natural of a finale than this one does because neither were intended to be season finales anyway.


just wanna let y’all know that there is an extended version of the intro on youtube, it’s labeled as a shorts, i don’t believe it’s on any episodes and everything on it is stuff you’ve already seen, i would love to see y’all watch it, i was gonna try to DM this to one of you but i figured you can see my message from here too

Charlie Reeves

Guy really missed the part where Peridot said the life on Earth is worth protecting, LITERALLY in the episode

JRax 17

Not a spoiler, but let’s just say the diamonds have a specific hatred for Earth

Mark Frado

Where is Steven universe reaction? Why am I the only one that cares

Katie Ellison

The rest of us just have patience. Things get delayed sometimes. This is something you ask tomorrow when it's a full day late.


How is that not a spoiler? Just let them react to the show. Jesus.

Down D Stairs

25:00 Garnet got that rizz


These 2 rank among my favorite episodes in the series. The bait and switch betrayal, and a warmhearted look into the personal journey she took to get there. So damn good! I miss when the focus was on Peridot, my favorite character.