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Rise of TMNT 25 patreon

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Katie Ruler

i know the whole thing seemed rush, but thats basically because it is. The show was forced to be more comedic in the beginning, but the creators wanted it to have more lore to it. Then when the show was getting cancelled for something that wasn't its fault, they had to take a lot of episodes out and cram so much into so little. Kinda like what happened to the Owl House.

Kai Miller

regarding the comment about the 2012 iteration also being handled by nickelodeon, a lot of rise’s season one shortcomings was honestly a product of corporate meddling, like it’s abysmal how much the higher-ups at nickelodeon interfered with so many aspects of the show, like pacing and storytelling, budgeting, and the scheduling was downright darksided. i believe nickelodeon at the time was undergoing shifts in presidential management, and the new higher-ups weren’t really into serialised and grounded storytelling with continuity– they wanted a nickelodeon show that would essentially serve as their teen titans go, which led to so much of the unfocused shifting going on throughout season one. that’s why some episodes, like the half-hour specials felt like they were going to start an overarching story, but then the episodes after would be inconsequential. the crew for this show definitely wanted this iteration to have more lighthearted moments between the brothers, and for them to have the chance to be children, but they wanted it to be grounded and have overarching arcs with real character and story progression, but nickelodeon wasn’t on board with that. they wanted to follow the current trend of children’s shows where kids can jump in at any episode and be able to follow along without any necessary context. and honestly, there’s so much more that i didn’t go into about the way nickelodeon handled this show, e.g., telling the crew that they needed to create new villains for the turtles, or telling the crew the turtles needed a new catchphrase which is where “hot soup” comes in. this isn’t to say that the crew didn’t want to do something new with the turtles, but so much of the creative liberties taken was a product of being pushed by the higher-ups at nickelodeon. sorry for the essay, just wanted to try to clear some things up!

Kai Miller

btw, as a follow up, my previous comment wasn’t to absolve rise of any of its faults, because ultimately its flaws are still its own, and no show is perfect. but i just wanted to try and explain why the show came out the way it did, specifically season one because season two and the movie are drastically different than season one– so much so that it’s crazy.

Katie Ruler

OH ALSO, when you guys start watching season two. MAKE SURE to watch Many Unhappy Returns first. Most websites have it as the second episode when it's actually the first. You'll get yourself disappointed if you watch the other episode instead, even though the episode is good (it's not connected to the lore).


I'm so sad you guys are about to stop watching this when it is about to get good! Like don't get me wrong, s2 has its silly moments too, but some of my favorite episodes were in s2, not to mention the movie, which is easily in my top 3 ninja turtle movie rankings of all time! I know a pause isn't a nail in the coffin, but it seems like such a void place to send this show when you're so close to just finishing it anyway. 😭

Sydney Horton

Please please please. When Rise is done, at least do the first few episodes of TMNT2012 to test it out on YouTube. If you don't think it does well, make it a Patreon only thing. But Boom keeps talking about it and giving us such a frustrating hype. We really want to see you see it.

Aspy 130

Sorry to mention this here but no John wick this week?


I’m alright if don’t watch the second season, just please watch the movie, it was basically the last chance for the team to create what they actually wanted to kind of like the 3 batch episode of the owl house season 3

Ranginald Vagel

This is the coolest shit I’ve ever seen and it justifies everything I’ve watched along so far, if season 2 is like this I’m continuing before the hiatus ends


all the stuff you guys are wishing and wanting for this series literally happens in Season 2, which is def a better improvement from this season


Sucks you guys are stopping after season 1. Season 2 is everything you want from the series followed by the movie.


draxum was never a joke?? like they poked fun at him but the turtles never actually foiled any of his plans. he always got what he wanted in the end, he just never finished them off. the one time he tried to push his advantage, he got interrupted by the foot clan.


Ahhh yes, the infamous comparing to the 2012 series 😭 I grew up with the 12 series, those are my boys, my turtles, but I DO NOT want Rise to be like them. That’s Rises’ whole point. If 2012 is the perfect iteration of the turtles, why would you watch Rise in the first place? The creative team revealed that they were constantly being compared to 2012 and wanted to be something completely different, take the turtles and make them something people haven’t seen before. And 2012 is being heralded as the perfect Turtles show with all the cameos callbacks and story, if Rise tried to imitate 12 it would be in its sorry shadow. I think.. you should watch the movie. I want y’all to see what this show couldve been if it wasn’t sabotaged by its own network and fans. Because as an OG turtles fan, I think Rise could’ve been the best of the best of turtles. No joke. It’s best attribute is that it’s so silly, zany, creative, and most of all, itself. It’s not trying to be other Turtles, and the movie is the best TMNT movie PERIOD. I said it.


I remember this episode being a lot cooler and the turtles defeating them much easier

Charlie Reeves

Fr really sad what happened to it, the movie has so many gainax and trigger references, especially to Gurren Lagann

Jonathan S Olender

I like the 2003 turtles and the story lines are great in my opinion

Kai Miller

honestly, i’m not really a fan of rise being compared to 2012, especially considering 2012 was not perfect in the slightest. like i love and enjoyed 2012, but i wouldn’t think to compare the two..?? i’m not really surprised tho, this just seems to be a common trend among turtles fans– a new iteration comes out, it’s awful; the next iteration comes out, and suddenly the previous one was the best iteration we’ve had in ages? it’s silly 😭 that’s not to say rise is above criticism because it’s def not, especially since season one IS fundamentally lacking in a lot of areas, but to compare it to ‘12 is.. cringe for lack of a better term

Kai Miller

and i agree with the sentiment that rise was supposed to be different, and that was their aim. after 2012, which is known for all its cameos and callbacks and its heavy, and oftentimes forced, nostalgia factor, why would rise then try to do exactly what 2012 did..? there’s nothing wrong with adhering to the source material, and there’s nothing with respectfully deviating from it either. oh well, what’s done is done. hopefully they enjoy the movie!


Sorry, but this episode kinda pissed me off. I'm a very casual TMNT watcher who doesn't really have nostalgia for the franchise and I get they're going for "they should do things their own way and be themselves," but a lot of this just felt like shitting on the more traditional TMNT and ninja way. Like I'm fine with these versions being different, but this specific episode just came across as unnecessarily petty to me, with April constantly going "UM WTF WHY ARE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS????" when they were trying to be more like actual ninjas and many scenes making fun of the ninja techniques/attitude.

Reaper Scythe

I grew up with the 2003 turtles and it's my favourite version of them. I think that's just how it goes. Whichever one you grew up watching is usually the favourite because they change it to relate to the current young generation (with a little sprinkle of nostalgic easter eggs to try to hook the older audience). When the next version comes around there's gonna be die hard fans of Rise criticizing everything about it. Ngl tho, Nick really did this series dirty. Hopefully by the time the next series comes out they would've replaced the idiots who messed stuff up with people who actually care enough to put shit in the right order. For the sake of other shows, too.


It's so upsetting when the main complaint is "they should have started the end stuff sooner". They couldn't! They thought they were going to have at LEAST five seasons to pace things, and then got notice that they'd only have two part way through development! It's so unfair because if you imagine the hints they dropped in season one, and the pacing of the boys growing in ability, it would have been perfect for multiple seasons. Just like 2012, which had like YEARS to wrap up all of its plotlines. I just hope you guys don't let pacing, horribly released streaming watch order, or your own bias to other TMNT iterations color your opinion of the show too much. Because if you remove those complaints, it's a really really good show. And all those biases are outside of the show creators control. Also, hope you guys do a watch of the Mutant Mayhem movie when it comes out. or a 2012TMNT watch would be AWESOME.