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ATLA B2 ep 3

Watch "ATLA B2 ep 3" on Streamable.



OMG LOL they are not replacing all of the earth in Omashu with metal! They are industrializing it. Building buildings, factories, facilities, and great big fucking statue of Ozai, made of metal. Putting metal in front of earth does not "block" earthbending.

VJ Sins

Oh Mei refusing to make the trade is so much worse then you think, Tom-Tom is literally her baby brother, and she doesn't mind

VJ Sins

if aang stayed and took the credit for returing the baby it would confirm to them that they kidnaped him, as well as the propaganda just not working in his favor. This is the best choice, as well as it falls under the airbender teachings

VJ Sins

Positive and negative jing arent evil and good, its just different, think of it more like the positive or negative charge of an electron or the pole of a magnet, nothing in avatar is as cookie cutter dry for there to be evil and good. Plus if we go by the evil/good comparison, retreating and not fighting would be evil, since that is the negative jing, which doesnt really add up.

pollyy clunes

yaasssss~ ozai’s angels~~~ P.S. i ALWAYS appreciate how this show has people that don’t have bending still OP. its very well balanced


Fun Fact: The voice for Mai's father is Grandpa Max from Ben 10. Edit: I texted this before watching the reaction and to my surprise it was mentioned LOL


Yeah, really can't wait for you all to see Aang's next teacher.

Kay M

bruh i didnt even hear it until they mentioned it I cant believe I never noticed that 🤣💀 Grandpa Max VA is goated

Monkey D. Moritz

Fr. I thought they would show up sooner in this season lol but guess we gotta wait for the goat

Iruma Mob 100

Oh yeah, I forgot that Mai was a horrible sister in this episode. I feel bad for any child she might have in the future if this is anything to go off of

Sarah Joan

It's possible that Mei truly doesn't care about her brother here, but it seems more like Azula manipulating this situation to force Mei to prove she will be loyal to her in any circumstance, like she did earlier in the episode with Tai Lee.

Miranda Wakeman

Yall are gonna absolutely loose your shit when you meet T

Stash Jones

I love Ty Lee! She's very bubbly and fun, but she's also very good at looking deeper into intent and skillfully maneuvering her way into a safe zone while maintaining an unassuming front. The show does a good job introducing her and this part of her. "Azula called a little louder! :3"/"The universe is giving me strong signs that I should leave the circus" rather than "Azula threatened to burn down the entire circus, to feed me to exotic animals, and to force me to fall to my death! :3" is a great example of her diplomatically skirting around an issue to stay in a safe zone. Now that I think about it, her personality also parallels into her fighting style. She's bouncy and incredibly balanced as well as knowing exactly where to strike an enemy. Can't wait for ya'll to see the other favorites who haven't been introduced yet! :)


Oh yeah anime episode titles spoiling is the worst, I know Naruto did it quite a bit too. For Avatar it's definitely the "Previously on Avatar" segments that spoil (or rather give you enough context that you can start to guess things that are about to happen) but you guys seem to mostly skip those anyways, so all good!

Mitchell Fanning

There was literally a baby in that entourage and the guys were upset that Aang saved them?


Episode totally referencing movie Baby's Day Out.

Jaya Norman

Vid unavailable?