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Dylan Singewald

Ill say this now Since you guys are almost done with season 1 but after you start season 2 you should check out the extended intro. It's pretty good with some neat visuals and in my opinion doesn't contain spoilers but other people might disagree.

Kemi Stanton

At this point it's very very fair to be critical of Pearl and consider her selfish! People who are upset at y'all for hating on Pearl have more context as to why she acts the way she does. It will make sense with time and I'm very interested to see how you all see her as the show gives us more and more info about her c:


I'm glad the list of correct episodes has been able to help. I LOVE Open Book. It's smaller scale, but it's so sweet, and I feel like it's important for kids to see that you shouldn't put your fandoms and opinions over the people you care about, and also shouldn't stifle your own thoughts out of fear of losing people.


I would say wait until the intro changes in Season 2, since it's contains designs and at least 4 characters they've not yet seen.

VJ Sins

For reasons yet unknown, you should absolutely trust Pearl when she says she was her sole confidant, not as in she told her everything, but she told her the most. Her outbreak will be explained. Not that her actions are justified, but they are reasonable for her charachter.

VJ Sins

You guys seemed surprized at the items in the room, but just heads up, we already saw them, steven knows about this from the time he took Connie to see Dogcopter 3D, in the Lion straight to video episode. If you were aware of that sorry if this seems like nitpicking, am just trying to help you get the full picture.

Kemi Stanton

Definitely do not watch the extended intro until after jailbreak, there is a huge spoiler in there


"You're Steven, you love schmaltz" I love this bit so much, and really feel Steven there. You can enjoy something, simply because it's the sort of thing you like, doesn't matter how 'well written' or 'deep' or whatever other buzzword you want to use it is, if you enjoy it, then just enjoy it! That said, the bit about 50 pages to describe a wedding cake made me laugh way harder then it should have after reading One Piece.


Yeah, with the full context, this does hit all kinds of different. But with just what they know at the time... they aren't really wrong about it.


I don't think they are wrong for being critical of Pearls behavior since they don't have the full context, but I do think how Pearl feels about Rose is written all over her face every time she's even remotely brought up and despite being a Gem her actions and how she feels are very very human and real. This is a realistic way someone who's lost the person they're closest to would act when what they thought they knew is being challenged


Loved your reaction, though I am curious to know since I didn't hear you guys mentioning it. In the first episode here did you understand that Pearl has romantic feelings for Rose. Her behaviour is definetly selfish but also heartbreaking once u realize just how many layers of baggage she is carrying.


They have briefly and casually theorized about them being lovers in some previous episodes.


it is realistic i believe ppl drag them with their comments about pearly because tbh its understandable.

Kemi Stanton

I think they all do understand that Pearl is acting pretty normally for a person lashing out with grief, I definitely don't think they actually hate her at all. But they are right with the context they have been given - she IS acting selfishly. It's for good reasons but especially not knowing what the reasons are, it's very fair criticism. All of the crystal gems act pretty immaturely in season one. There's a lot they don't understand about humans even after 5000 years because it's clear from episode one they never tried, aside from Rose. So we get to see their growth and development as Steven teaches them lessons. It's just that out of all of them Pearl is the most screwed up from the outset, and they can all see that. It's fair for them to point it out.


Pearl is kinda selfish but it makes more sense why later. She's just grieving and seeing Steven who looks and sounds a lot like the person she lost can be hard. Gems don't really grasp the concept of children and family, and on top of that she is really bad at expressing herself. So I get it.. hopefully during their bonding session she apologized for lashing out~ I'm super excited for next weeks episodes!


Guys, we BEG you to watch the rest of the season next week! The last four episodes form a big 4-part finale. Please... I beg... WE beg..

Kai Miller

if you’re subscribed to silver, which it seems like you are, we’ll get the last four episodes next week, don’t worry! :)


you guys are definitely watching the episodes in the correct order for sure but because the last 4 episodes of season 1 should be seen together I suggest you watch them along with the 5th episode that comes before them rather than just watching 4 then leaving the last episode of the season on its own. The last 2 episodes are the finale together (they aired the same day).


Oh really, okay I was kinda worried for a sec😭


Oh and to answer Boom's question, roughly 6000 years ago would be around the start of the Bronze Age and actual 'history' with the invention of the first writing systems.


Man I'm so happy yall are getting to experience SU like this and not have to wait for random month long hiatus'. this show defiently is a touch stone not just for animation and story telling but also for the LGBT+ community.