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Avatar Episode 3 patreon

Watch "Avatar Episode 3 patreon" on Streamable.



This supposed to be episode 4?


I’m super excited for this series!!!!


Is bronze level going to single episodes now and ep 4 is next week? I saw silver still got a double episode release

Carmen Garcia

aang named Momo after the peach he took from sokka never noticed that love the series


I love how immediate your love is for this show! Excited for more :)

ryu kage

the agni kai is so badass and the music too

Nicholas Vancil

One piece is my number 1 fiction ever. The Last Airbender is number 2. Please give us more of this lol.


Bronze is always single episodes last week was just a mixup so we left it up as a bonus. As explained in the update video only Silver tier will receive double episodes. ATLA will be weekly so yea ep 4 would be next week 😁

Amy Petty

"Can the Avatar be evil" is a good question and personally I think the narrative makes it absolutely clear that they can. What I love about the worldbuilding here is that the Avatar is always very literally JUST a person. They have ACCESS to all four forms of bending, and access to the spirit world, but beyond that there is absolutely NOTHING special about them. They have to train like everyone else, and they aren't necessarily going to be especially talented. Moreover, regardless of the accepted wisdom - that the Avatar is the bridge between the human and spirit worlds and their role is to ensure balance and harmony - they are never actually TREATED as people apart. On the individual level they are always products of their own culture. You see this most clearly with both Aang and Roku, but the narrative highlights this point with the other Avatars as well. To that end, they also are born into families and eventually marry and have their own children. Ostensibly they're supposed to be neutral, objective parties solely concerned with balance, but every single time they are always biased persons with their own internalized beliefs based on their familial and cultural backgrounds. ATLA only touches on this dichotomy without really tearing into the meat of its implications for the Avatar's place in the world.

Lucile Byrd

Did i really just spend $10 for broken full reaction links and access only to the free you tube cut reactions!?!