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Aang has the capability to bend all the elements he is the avatar but he doesnt have the knowledge or knows the tecniques thats why he cant firebend


W reaction


To correct what SeeOhKnee said; They have more like 8 months, not 3. This is on the Winter Solstice, so it's the in-universe version of December 21. The comet comes towards the end of summer, so probably the latter half of in-universe August. Still not much time to learn everything, especially not when compared to the years of training that prior Avatars got to have, but it's still marginally better than 3.


i cant wait for you guys to get to the end of this season it just keeps getting better i wish you would upload more episodes at a time here but thats just me being impatient. one of the best characters shows up in season 2 Imo btw

VJ Sins

Lavabending is actually an earthbender technique



Raye-Raphael Sashay

You guys are right about the anime influence! Other Western shows in the 2000s were pulling from Japanese inspiration (Teen Titans is a good example), but nothing got to be as serialized as Avatar. Sometimes it's hard to believe this show ever got made.

Raye-Raphael Sashay

(Not really spoilers, because it's never explicitly talked about in show, but some background) That influence is also visible in the cultures in the show. Every person in the show is meant to be Asian. You may have noticed that the Air Nomad culture has some similarities with Tibetan monks. Bending, also, is based around martial arts, with every type of bending being a specific style. Waterbending comes from Tai chi, and Firebending from Northern Shaolin style. It's a world with a lot of thought and depth. Hope you keep enjoying the series!

Laura D

I love how much you guys are loving this because it's usually the least popular season. It's season 1 so there's a lot of set up. It's fascinating set up and I think Boom explained it perfectly. Airbender does not do a lot of exposition outside of the iconic intro. All questions are answered eventually but they are demonstrated and shown. Any explanations make perfect sent within the context of the story. It's fantastic.

justin trimble

if you guys think the beginning of season 1 is this good?? all of season 2 and 3 will be some of the best television youll ever watch. Since you already like it so much its hard to realize it could get that much better but seriously this is no where near how good and amazing this show gets


Avatar Roku was able to control the magma because he could control all the elements. Magma is just molten rock so its a combination of earth and firebending and then he could use the airbending to cool it quickly

Reaper Scythe

I love the pacing of this show. The creators don't treat us like idiots who need everything over explained like so many other shows do. They respect the intelligence of their viewers.

Harley Taylor

I don't know if anyone mentioned this but Aang has at most 6 months to master the three elements before the comet arrives. Since in this episode is the winter solstice and the comet is coming at the end of summer.

SK Elkins

More like 8 or 9 months, surely? The winter solstice is around December 21, which is considered the first day of winter in the US. Autumn begins on the autumnal equinox, on or around September 21. When someone says "the end of summer," to my mind that's a colloquialism that can mean anywhere from the end of August to right before Sept. 21. So the kid has around 8 or 9 months. Not a lot of time, to be sure, but a little longer than 6 months -- and far longer than the 3 months SeeOhKnee claims.