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Steven 33-34 patreon

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Astro copjr8

(This comment is copied word for word from DementisXYZ, so all credit goes to them I'm just trying to spread it) Since you guys are moving through these so much faster now, I feel it's VERY important to note that both Hulu and HBOMax have incorrect episode orders at the end of Season 1/start of season 2. They're in order of when they aired, which got screwed up by Cartoon Network, so after Season 1, episode 45, they get screwy for a little bit. The Intended Viewing Order: S1 E46: Open Book (listed as S1 E51) S1 E47: Shirt Club (listed as S2 E3) S1 E48: Story for Steven (listed as S2 E2) S1 E49: The Message (listed as S1 E46) S1 E50: Political Power (listed as S1 E47) S1 E51: The Return (listed as S1 E48) S1 E52: Jail Break (listed as S1 E49) S2 E1: Full Disclosure (listed as S1 E50) S2 E2: Joy Ride (listed as S1 E52) S2 E3: Say Uncle (listed as S2 E1) From Season 2, episode 4, the episode order is normal for the rest of the series. Yes, though, this is how bad it was. I hope you guys see this, 'cause trust me, things feel very awkward otherwise. PS: I apologize in advanced, but I'll likely be copy/pasting this into future episodes for certainty, unless you guys tell me "Hey, we've seen it, we get it."


seems to have some desync sad edit:just the first episode was desynced


indeed I still watch, desync is annoying, not unwatchable.


Steven's VA got older so he had to lower it just to keep it up


While Steven's voice is a bit different, it's the same voice actor, he's just growing up with the show. He started going through puberty mid-way through season 1. I remember him mentioning how early on to do Steven's voice he had to lower his register because his voice was too high, and then from about this point on he had to raise his pitch because his voice was starting to get too deep.

Kay M

to answer Boom's question Steven's voice actor never changes it's just that his voice gets deeper overtime as he gets older


The voice actor didn't change! His voice is just changing, bc puberty. Steven does get a bit of a deeper more mature voice as it goes on. But the voice actor never changes.

VJ Sins

Stevens Va stayed the same, he was just experiencing puberty


I was gonna do my Copy/paste, but it looks like Astro copjr8 beat me to it by several hours (thanks work). Yeah, I love Garnet's Universe, such a fun, innocent adventure made up by a young, still innocent Steven. I think this (Watermelon Steven) might be the hardest I've heard y'all consistently laugh at an episode, which is always great. Glad to see Boom has caught wind of the out of order episodes, I hope they all see what's up before it's too late. We got a couple of weeks, though, thankfully, until then, so it should be good.


Yeah, CN really screwed with the airing of the episodes, rather then a set, usual season schedule you'd get random 'Steven Bombs' where they would release a whole bunch of eps over a single week, and then nothing for months. But damn was that reaction to the watermelon fight amazing!


Since you guys are moving through these so much faster now, I feel it's VERY important to note that both Hulu and HBOMax have incorrect episode orders at the end of Season 1/start of season 2. They're in order of when they aired, which got screwed up by Cartoon Network, so after Season 1, episode 45, they get screwy for a little bit. The Intended Viewing Order: S1 E46: Open Book (listed as S1 E51) S1 E47: Shirt Club (listed as S2 E3) S1 E48: Story for Steven (listed as S2 E2) S1 E49: The Message (listed as S1 E46) S1 E50: Political Power (listed as S1 E47) S1 E51: The Return (listed as S1 E48) S1 E52: Jail Break (listed as S1 E49) S2 E1: Full Disclosure (listed as S1 E50) S2 E2: Joy Ride (listed as S1 E52) S2 E3: Say Uncle (listed as S2 E1) From Season 2, episode 4, the episode order is normal for the rest of the series. Yes, though, this is how bad it was. I hope you guys see this, 'cause trust me, things feel very awkward otherwise. PS: I apologize in advanced, but I'll likely be copy/pasting this into future episodes for certainty, unless you guys tell me "Hey, we've seen it, we get it."

Kay M

omg yeah those 6 month waits were the worst. Each bomb was only like maybe 4-6 episodes max


Hopefully they see this 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


So many good episodes coming up i cant wait

Mark Frado

It makes me so sad when I find out people hate this show 🥺

Mark Frado

And also I’m not talking about you guys

Mark Frado

Oh man I can’t wait 😁

Mark Frado

I thought they read this they reacted to them out of order ☹️