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alice in borderland episode 7 patreon

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hearing you theroies on who the witch is is very interesting and yes kunai is she/her, i appreciate the respect you gave her :)


bullying in korea/japan can be even more severe than depicted in shows, its a massive deal over there which is why it pops up so often


I dont know if bullying in Japan especially is a big thing, but having grown up using the internet and getting to know a lot of people through games there were quite some cases of bullying that often overshadows even series/movie bullying. Maybe there's some cultural thing which makes bullying more frequent/"normal" in some countries but there's deranged and sick fucks all over the world going from elementary school to work surroundings.


From what I've gathered in regards to South Korea's situation, bullying is a big issue not only in schools, but in workplaces as well. It's also taken very seriously when a public figure/celebrity is accused of bullying. A bullying accusation can easily damage and even end a person's career--regardless of validity.


I have to mention that I'm American though lol, so it's a bit harder for me to comprehend due to culture differences in how bullying is addressed and depicted here in the states.

Alice Lapin

I found a resource that is a little dated (last updated in 2014) they may interest you if you want to know more about bullying. This resource pertains specifically to Japan, but I think some of the information can be extrapolated to apply to South Korea as well. https://factsanddetails.com/japan/cat23/sub150/item2790.html