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Avatar 5 patreon

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Keep in mind throughout viewing this, gentlemen: Avatar will answer basically EVERY question you have pop up while going on this journey, except for like 1 or 2, but those are left unanswered on purpose.

Sydney Horton

Just so you guys know, The Earth Kingdom is basically Asia and the Fire Nation is basically Europe. The Fire Nation is attacking at the border so far.

Kay M

NOT SPOILER to answer as to why Aang isn't stopping to learn Earthbending they did explain in episode 2 and 3 because the Avatar cycle is Air, Water, Earth, and Fire, the Avatar needs to learn the elements in that order.


all the nations are based off different asian countries so idk how accurate comparing the fire nation to europe is


I'm guessing you mean size wise, but given the way it's set up, would be more accurate to say it's more like Japan attacking China.


Not seen Ep 6 yet but will say here since they talked about it in this episode the avatar is supposed to learn the elements in the same order as the avatar cycle Air - Water - Earth - Fire, this is done because its the easiest way to learn with each elements becoming harder to learn. So damn hyped for ben 10 and ATLA but wont be able to stay subbed :(


It’s also worth noting the Earth Kingdom is an extremely large country. Kyoshi Island is in the Earth Kingdom as is Omashu. The Earth Kingdom is made up of many semi-independent city-states and towns all under the rule of the Earth King, the Fire Nation has been attacking and claiming territory but the other nations have been fighting back. The Southern Water Tribe has been decimated after decades of raids. We don’t know the status of the Northern Tribe at this point. In short the war is ongoing. the fire nation is small but technologically advanced, the earth kingdom is vast and has many cities and a large army, the water tribes are seemingly more isolated, and the Air Nomads were genocided

Ben Asay

I also love that Cabbage Salesman 🤣🤣🤣


I am SO excited for Aang's earthbending arc. One of my favorite characters gets introduced. And I think you'll love them too~

Brony Time

Ah, the introduction of the most iconic meme and a running joke in this series. My cabbages!!!

Kay M

best meme in the show 🤣🤣🤣 cabbage man is hilarious

VJ Sins

Your guys ability to stay completely silent during dialogue and still miss stuff is outstanding. Bumi straight up asked Aang "What do you see?" And aang replied "The mail system?" The point was to see things from a different perspective, not that bumi as a kid somehow made all those Chutes himself

VJ Sins

The only thing i will say is, just like there's multiple air temples and multiple water tribes. Omashu isnt the entirety of the Earth kingdom

VJ Sins

Yes, if they didnt skip the intro all the time they could see the map of the world. The earth kingdom is absolutely massive, like a continent, and the Fire nation is a smaller continent on the opposite side of the world and the islands they colonized. While the water tribes are even smaller islands.


We all know that and I have no idea how you somehow thought we interpreted it other than to see things from a different perspective. I’m actually pretty sure we had a discussion about that as well. If you had to constantly commentate while watching something with giant lights in your face and with an understanding you have to make an entertaining video you would miss stuff too. It’s really not that surprising and your negativity is not needed.

VJ Sins

Sorry if it seemed like i was being negative, i was just pointing out a quirk of your commentaries thar i noticed, it wasnt a critique. I find it rather charming when watching. Once again i apologize if it seemed aggressive, I was just gueniuenelywanting to help out with a possiblemisunderstanding of the scene. I can delete the comment if you want.

apple jacked

Ah, Bumi one of the most powerful characters.


Glad you were deprived as kids so I could enjoy your reactions now.