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Ruff and his Girlfriend are going to start blind reacting to all of Star Wars. Should they watch in release order or canonical order?


Sylvaine Glenn

You really should watch them in release order. The thing is, the prequels were made 20 years after the original series and are very much written with the assumption that the viewer is already familiar with the original series. They build on the story of the original series and mostly exist to fill in gaps and answer questions people had about the original trilogy.

Julio Castillo

Either way it's fine I guess, although it would be AMAZING if they could also react to the animated and live-action shows alongside the movies. But if I had to pick one option, I'd say that release order it's the best way to go, i say that because the original trilogy gives a more digestible and easy to follow story to introduce you to the Star Wars Franchise. If you start with the Prequel Trilogy you are definitely gonna miss some of the concepts and themes the first time you watch them.


100% Release Order. Yeah the Prequels are the chronological start of the story, but they were made with the knowledge that people were familiar with the Original Trilogy. Watching Chronological you've suddenly got a bunch of extra concepts layered on top of knowledge you'd only have from the original films. Makes the Prequels a lot harder to watch.

Wulves Gaming

I'm a little confused on the question, do you mean just the movies, shows, or both. If it's both, then I would suggest the canonical order. If it's just the movies, then either is fine. If it is just the shows, then canonical.


Canonical please. The hype builds across all movies that way instead of peaking and troughing movie by movie.

Khaled A

Machete order


Will this include EVERYTHING or just the movies? Cause if it isn’t everything then I’ll be disappointed

Matt R

if it’s movies you have to do release, otherwise i wouldn’t mind release order, i think most people are assuming it’s everything so they’ve put canonical


Release, there are certain reveals that will be spoiled if its watched in timeline order.

Alyssa Hernandez

Crazy how on YT the results are reversed.