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Fun fact, Black Heron’s voice actress, April Winchell, is the daughter of Paul Winchell, who voiced one of the lead characters in the show “Disney’s Adventures of the Gummi Bears”, which was part of the original Disney Afternoon and is, obviously, referenced in this episode. I find it heartwarming that the DuckTales crew gave April the opportunity to engage in / contribute even more to her father’s legacy.

William Timmins

The bubble on the beach is almost certainly an homage to The Prisoner, 1967 British series that's... really... REALLY weird.

Jimmy H Lam

Absolutely love the GB references. Here and there, mass destruction everywhere.


I guess the Gummi Bears TV show on Disney is just that irrelevant these days. I know its a very old show, but its one of the very 1st shows on the Disney Afternoon

Seth Brower

I mean SHUSH & FOWL, aside from being a Darkwing Duck callback, has always been a "Man From UNCLE" with ... well UNCLE or "Get Smart" with CONTROL & KAOS, but also "The Prisoner" But yeah me just knowing that stuff & the Gummi Bears ref ... man makes me feel old compared to the guys watching.

Cameron Lightfoot

So yeah, this episode has three cool Disney references. The first is Ludwig Von Drake, the duck who introduced Beakley to Scrooge, being a pretty well established character in the duck universe. The second is more subtle; at the auction house, when they were introducing the bouncing potion in the book there are some shadowy figures, and those are actually the Gummi Bears from the 80’s show of the same name, and the little rhyme Black Heron does when she gets the potion later in the episode is a nod to that shows theme song. Finally, SHUSH(the organization Beakley worked for) and FOWL (the organization Heron worked for) are both Darkwing Duck references.

Sydney Horton

What happened that they didn't double upload for Ducktales?

Andrew W

Holy shit reference overload - all those costumes and nods to 60s spy movies, FOWL and SHUSH from Darkwing, Ludwig Von Drake cameo, the plot being about the freaking *Gummiberry Juice* (complete with silhouettes of the Gummi Bears on the book page and a reference to the theme song!) - that was a ride!