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Steven Universe 19-20 Patreon

Watch "Steven Universe 19-20 Patreon" on Streamable.



I think ppl’s favorite crystal gem is garnet actually. I could be wrong but I def see more cosplay of her over the other characters


Oh yeah it's funny but amethyst is for sure in the funning for my most disliked character and pearl is in my top 3 characters.


All of the characters in this show are pretty complex, and many have a lot of flaws that they either do or don't work through! Different people like or dislike certain characters for virtually the same reasons which is part of what makes them so interesting to me. Pearl and Amethyst are perfect examples of folks feeling strongly one way or the other. Excited to see what sort of theories you guys come up with and how your opinions on these characters change as the series progresses!

jeremiah deparis

Yo new Patreon tier idea the canned food tier for a dollar just have H man review canned food and the boys judge I'd sub for it, lol!

Cloud Kitsune

Everyone likes their specific gem/character in this series, and Amethyst is actually pretty popular. She's not the MOST loved, that would fall on a character you've yet to see, but Pearl is just one of the favored for plot reasons you've yet to see as well. =3

Julio Castillo

Let's talk about some facts about these two episodes..... Episode 19: -You've finally met Rose's room, it's a very cool and Convenient place to inhabit, and while it's that it can create anything (even people) it is all still just clouds. -One of the most popular theories about Rose's room is that the reason why Greg's recreation was so much more human and alive than the rest of inhabitants of Beach City it's because Greg being Steven's Dad and Therefore Rose's partner.... Probably spent a lot of his time with Rose inside of her Room, and by doing this he was giving the Room itself plenty of information about his attitude and mannerisms. While all of the other characters from Beach City who have never been inside the room act so robotic and dead because the room only has a vague idea of who they are. Episode 20: - Fun Fact: Sugilite, the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet it's voiced by none other than Nicki Minaj herself. - We witness another fusion dance in this Episode, but this time rather... curiously Pearl tries to cover Steven's eyes while Garnet and Amethyst perform the dance (and while Pearl herself has a very embarrassed/shameful look on her face during it), this at first might seem like nothing but this moment was the first catalyst of one the Show's long-running interpretations by the fandom... Said interpretation being that the act of Fusion between Gems it's somehow an symbolism or allegory to sexual relationships. I know i know, it does sound kind of ridiculous but when you watch the little details of the scene it does raise some questions about what was the intention of the Staff at the moment of creating that scene (like for example... Why at the end of the Dance Garnet suddenly opens her legs right when Amethyst is launching herself directly at her crotch?). - when Pearl talks to Steven about different kinds of strength or "being strong in the real way" like in the song... She's not actually talking from a place of jealousy (well... Maybe a little bit) but from sense of concern that Steven's concept of real strength comes from Watching Sugilite. And we see at the end that Pearl was right, Sugilite not only it's a bad example of Strength but also a really unstable and erratic Fusion.


When you talk about liking or disliking certain characters in the show, you need to remember that they grow and evolve a lot. You have yet to experience their character, while others already know them.


Again, loving how into this you all are already, and we've barely started! As to the Gems, just,keep an open mind and,take into account how they grow or what else you learn about why they are the way they are.


Are they going to get a Community tab for the patreon?


Id say its not really that fusion is an allegory for sexual relationships! Its more likely that Pearl covered Steven's eyes specifically because of how "vulgar" Amethyst was dancing (in Pearl's eyes). So it wasn't the act that was sexual, but how Amethyst (and Garnet) went about it.


About the gem door. You guys did notice that Garnets room is 2 of the 5 gems right. There is no other member for the temple.