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Chainsaw Man 8

Watch "Chainsaw Man 8" on Streamable.


Alice Lapin

Age of consent in Japan is 13. There have been talks to raise this to 16, but nothing official yet. It has been 13 for the past 120 years. However, The Child Welfare Law defines youth as under the age of 18 are there are criminal penalties for "lewd acts" with people under that age. So, similar to the USA, if BOTH parties are above the age of consent but under the age of 18 its ok, but if one party is older than 18 then it's a criminal offense. Also the voting/drinking/ adult age in Japan is 20. Sources: https://www.jluggage.com/blog/law/what-is-the-age-of-consent-in-japan/ https://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/international/isd/en/living/safetyinfo/smoking.html#:~:text=In%20Japan%2C%20the%20legal%20adult,serious%20health%20and%20social%20consequences.

Ben Asay

That episode... damn. Mappa is something else 😅