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Sorry we had a little mix up with the edit while trying to get a month ahead for patreon. Just know that we will try to always be at least month ahead on patreon.

So here is Naruto Shippuden Episodes 12-17

14-15 : 44:57

16-17 : 84:04

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RuffSenpai YouTube ►► https://www.youtube.com/c/ruffsenpai

Link:https: //streamable.com/5p8klb

password: naruto54569


Naruto 12-17 Patreon Edit

Watch "Naruto 12-17 Patreon Edit" on Streamable.



Christmas came early with Nani no Anime and I love it :D

John Miller

Love the content but Sky’s hate of Sakura is a little irritating, personally don’t love Sakura don’t even know if I’d say I like her but the constant barrage of hate every time she does or says anything is just not fun or entertaining to listen to


Let me guess H Man favorite Naruto Shippuden filler arc 1. Power 2. The second filler arc (I know arc name isn't a spoiler, but Ruff seems interested about that theme, so I feel bad if I tell him) 3. The third filler arc.


If you guys have a free time, I suggest to watch Sunagakure Support Mission arc (last filler arc in OG Naruto). It's fun to watch and makes the arc you're currently watching even more good.

jose cuevas

whats the schedule for these naruto video's


I think Sakura was fine until a certain point of the story when the author stops caring about that character. Not just sakura but all the female characters. Kishimoto said he had problem writing good female characters. Ruff will definitely know exactly when she becomes useless.


This man realy said sub sucks, i cant.....


I love h-man with everything he adds to show only bad single he has is Sakura hate but I can understand that because as a part Sakura Simp sometimes even I hate her. Keep up the awesome work guys!