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I want to start by apologizing to all of you for being missing for almost a month, i was planning to release the final animation of Kasumi being squeezed for Christmas but December has been really a difficult month for me both on the personal and IRL job side so i didnt had the time and the desire to work on my projects here.

I don't want to go into details but nothing to worry about now it's all fine, but let's talk about positive things like my new projects im currently working on: 

-The big animation with kasumi is still alive, it proceeds slowly i got back working on it recently 

-I'm currently working on a small animation involving Tomb Raider (probably a snake squeezing like the Honoka video)

-A new comic with wonder woman fighting a strange alien creature ( i don't know how many images yet, i was thinking about 30/50)

-Vore animation with Samus ( want to start making some vore stuff since some of you and my followers on DA would appreciate it)

So yeah guys I'm not dead, but i have a lot of new ideas for this new year full of girls to be squeezed and hungry monsters to feed.

Really sorry again and thanks for your patience.




Welcome back Daffi!

James M Meyerhoffer

Would love to see that WW pic as an animation.