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Hello everyone! As some of you already know, I've decided to make a doujin for 2024. 

So it's time to kick myself in the ass and start working on it starting this February. So what's going to change with Patreon?   

Well, subscribers will see doujin pages in addition to the illustrations I'll continue to do (there'll probably be fewer illustrations in favor of doujin pages), but T3 will have to be put on hold, as it's very time-consuming and it'll be hard for me to manage this tier with the doujin. Secondly, concerning commissions, no change, I'll continue to take them as usual.

For those who are curious about the doujin, here's what I plan to do...

To begin with, as I'm not really used to it, I'm going to start with a small project of 4 or 5 pages to get the hang of it.

Then I'd like to do longer stories of 12-14 pages and end up with classic lengths of around 22-24 pages. 

So yes, if I like it, I intend to draw several doujins!

Some stories will follow each other, others won't and will be simple one-shots.

But for the first stories I'll probably start by devellopping the "Brillance Doujin Universe" so expect some choco elf!

I already have more or less the idea of the first story I'll do after the 4-5 page doujin test.

Well after this long text, I'm going to get to work, thanks to those who read to the end and wished me good luck because I'm going to need it!


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