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Hello everyone,

Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush, Patreon is breaking my balls severely since their new update on the creator side.

So I had planned a 50% promotion for new tiers during 1 month in August that I couldn't do with the current system.

Also I had asked people from Tier 3 to move to Tier 2 because the T3 OMEGABINOU was going to disappear but unfortunately 

I will also have to remove the T2 to make a new Tier.

In advance I apologize for all these inconveniences and I would invite you all, T2 as T3, to move to the new T2 when it will be created (July 30 or 31 I think).

For the promotion I don't know yet what I'm going to do but I'm waiting to see with Patreon for more info and so I'm going to postpone it a bit later in the year.

I wish you all a good weekend and stay hydrated especially if like me you are suffering from the heat wave.



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