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and it looks like applejack is the winner for this month!
now for aj which type would u like to see?


Righteous N' Dank

Okay look- Applejack is great and all (albeit a tad basic), but it’s Halloween! Deathclaw has been nearly winning 3 times now, but losing out barely to various things. And this time, even though it’s supposed to be Spooktober, she loses to MLP. I know it’s up to Patreon vote, but perhaps it would help if you could make the voting single pick instead of all that apply? That way it would delineate what people want MOST rather than stringing along 2 or 3 competitors who never actually had a chance of winning. Plus, I’d rather have my dreams crushed immediately rather than giving them a glimpse of hope- just to anally rape them with a cheese grater last second. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

Righteous N' Dank

(Or, Mr. Ss2, you could pull the most alpha chad move possible and do a Femclaw Halloween special just so I’d shut up *wink)