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7/3 REMINDER: There's still time to suggest a character in the comments below!

Hey everyone! I've got a few things to share with y'all today so let's just get right to it.

It is as the name implies. Suggest a character in the comments below and I'll choose one to draw in July. I couldn't think of a theme for this month's fan-art poll so we're going to try something different for July. This is sfw only and no OCs. If you can provide references with a link, that would be helpful. If there are a lot of submissions I may end up doing a poll, but we'll see. This isn't going to replace polls, but if it's successful I may consider doing it again in the future. The deadline to submit will be the end of the day on July 7th.

This is something I've wanted to do since the start of the year and I'm finally getting around to it. I've uploaded a few of my favorite drawings from this year (and a couple from last year) to my own store on Inprint. Pretty much all of the fan-art poll drawings I've done in the past 6 months were created with the intention of making them prints at some point, so I wanted to have them look as high quality as possible. That being said, if there's something that's missing that you would like to see available to order on my shop just let me know and I'll consider adding it!


And that's really about it for now. Thanks again for your patience when it comes to my comic and commissions and a big special thanks for sticking around and supporting me. I've got some exclusive drawings for Tier 2 coming soon that I need to finish so look forward to those. As for the comic, hopefully Chapter 33 won't take me as long as 32 did. I don't like making people wait but for my own sanity I had to take that last chapter slow. I'm glad people seem to like it at least :)

Anyways I'm rambling now. Thanks for reading all this and checking out the shop if you did. Remember to submit a character before the deadline. I'm excited to see who you all suggest.



this is going to be a real deep cut—I want to suggest Meredith from Cassette Beasts (:


You should definitely do Lu Lingqi from the Dynasty Warriors series, specifically her DW9 iteration. Here is a link to her wiki so you can have plenty of references for her! https://koei.fandom.com/wiki/Lu_Lingqi


Ill suggest Eunie from Xenoblade Chronicles 3!