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Corbel recalls an incident that happened to him 10 years ago. Gather 'round the campfire, it's story time! 

GUEST ARTWORK by AlmKornKid (twitter.com/AlmKornKid)

Thank you for your patience. This chapter took longer than i would have liked, but I decided to take my time with this one. Regardless, I still hope you enjoy it! I've gotten many kind messages from new readers recently! It warms my heart :)




Delinquent Bri is an amusing look. Corbel kind of blew it off, but it's gotta be unsettling to have been a second away from certain death and then be safe with no memory or idea of what happened in between. Unless he's keeping secrets.


Really enjoyed the artwork this chapter especially the sentinel encounter. The darkness with the rain was a really cool effect that made Corbel and the sentinel really pop but also look really atmospheric. Also just seeing young Corbel you can see why Calibri dated him 😎