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Hello everyone! I want to thank everyone once again for sticking with me for another month! Your support truly means a lot to me! I have 2 things I want to share today.

First of all, since I am busy working on Downtown Dungeon this year I will not be participating in Inktober or any other month-long drawing prompts. Instead, today I'll be sharing some DD related sketches from one year ago when I participated in OCtober.

For each day in October last year, I drew one original character. The first 16 days ended up all being Downtown Dungeon characters! As of right now, only 8 of these 16 characters have been officially introduced (although you might notice a few familiar faces that have made cameos in previous chapters are present here.) These sketches were created about 3 months before I actually started working on Chapter 0, so you may notice some of these designs may differ from their final designs in the comic. 

It's interesting to look back at these sketches and see just how much my style has changed/improved in only a year's time!

Now the second thing I wanted to mention. Progress on Chapter 13 is running smoothly! If this were a normal chapter it would probably be out by now, but since this is an extra long one you'll have to wait just a couple more weeks before it is finished. I'm very excited to finish this one, however I won't be sharing ANY details or sneak peaks about this upcoming chapter. I want this chapter to be a surprise for everyone, and I hope you will all appreciate this decision once the chapter releases. 

Basically what I'm saying is stick with me for just a bit longer. Chapter 13 is on the way and it's a big one! Look forward to it! 

That's really all I have to say for now. Thanks again for you continued support.




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