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I have been quite busy recently as my new job as a Line-cook has been taking up a lot of my time. Being a line-cook has been quite challenging as the hours have been sporadic and inconsistent to say the least. And I don't have much of a schedule to just sit and draw because of the inconsistency. And because of it I have been experiencing burn out from doing too much.

But I have also been experiencing burn out because my Bug Comic doesn't feel like its my own anymore. There's too much pressure to please everyone, as everyone has different tastes and ideals on how they want the apocalypses to pan out. It feels like its been taken by everyone who reads it influences it in some way, (and same goes for my other comics as well.) Not that it isn't beautiful that everyone enjoys it so much, and hyped about it so much. But it doesn't feel like its mine anymore and I want to bring it back to its simplistic form. Its my comic and the way it goes is the way I want it to go, and I hope you enjoy where my imagination takes it. 

To help with my burn out, I would like to draw and create more things that don't have too much influence. They will just be little comics of my making that I enjoy, and I hope you all will enjoy as well. 

As I am also sick currently having tested positive for Covid, I will be stuck at home for a while with lots of free time on my hands now to draw and recover. 

I do want to apologies as well for not posting at all this month. Feel free to unsubscribe at the end of the month so you aren't charged for content you aren't getting. :)



Get well soon!

The Senate

I was worried thatd happen with me and others submitting a ton of feedback and ideas XD Take a break, go at it with a fresh perspective, im sure it'll be great

Gonad the Barbarian

Burnout is a real problem, take care of yourself first. Eager to see where you take your art from here,