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Hey everyone, just to let you know the new video is up. Thanks very much for your comments on the draft I shared last week.

This video is quite a bit more polished, includes a lot more visual examples and includes additional sections/interviews towards the end that weren't in the draft.

Once the dust has settled on this, I'll return back to the video I was in the middle of making when all this kicked off. See my earlier posts for more information on that video.



Encouraging the Young to Die - The Most Toxic Site I've Ever Seen

I recently watched one of my followers being encouraged and coached to die on a toxic site that seeks to maximising the likelihood that its members end their own lives. In this video, I detail why this site is so destructive, why people should not give it life by participating on it and why I believe it should ultimately be made illegal. Apologies to my followers who most likely will be surprised by this content. This is a one-off video I felt I had to make. --- Resources for those who need someone to talk to: --- For the two most affected counties: US: https://988lifeline.org/ https://www.crisistextline.org/ https://988lifeline.org/ UK: https://www.samaritans.org/ https://www.thecalmzone.net/ https://seed.charity/ Everywhere else in the world: Find a helpline can quickly link you to hotlines in your own country. These are anonymous lines, where you can get advice or simply just be heard. https://findahelpline.com/ Wikipedia also has a excellent resource of hotlines for those in crisis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines --- Other Links --- Literature & Research International Association for (S) Prevention https://www.iasp.info/our_team/rory-oconnor/ When it’s Darkest, Rory O’ Conner (2021) https://www.amazon.co.uk/When-Darkest-People-Suicide-What/dp/1785043439 The Definition of (S) - Edwin Shneidman (1985) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Definition-Suicide-Edwin-Shneidman-ebook/dp/B00HBUIOVO IMV model https://suicideresearch.info/the-imv/ Rates in the UK and US https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/news/2022/october/suicide-rates-record-high-amongst-15-19-year-olds https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr024.pdf --- Articles on Section 230 --- https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/1/23487958/supreme-court-gonzalez-google-twitter-taamneh-section-230 https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/section-230-should-not-be-big-techs-get-out-of-court-free-card https://harvardlawreview.org/2018/05/section-230-as-first-amendment-rule/ --- Step Closer video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndjcJAaOVdg&ab_channel=IASP --- Subtitles by Pentameron --- 00:00 Introduction 06:24 How does the site work? 08:17 The philosophy of the site 10:48 "Don't seek help" 13:12 Assisting those below 18 16:22 A note about cults 17:45 Malicious actors 20:13 Protecting the vulnerable 26:28 The instruction threads 28:18 The marketplace 29:54 Who is responsible for setting up this site? 32:22 How is this site still up? 33:39 Taking action 43:06 Please seek help. You are not alone.



Very confronting video, I've had to turn off and come back to it a couple of times but thank you Martin for wading into such a toxic community in order to shine a light on it. I've posted a comment listing a couple of Australian mental health support organisations which I'll also add here. Both of these nonprofit orgs offer telephone/online counselling and a range of other free services for people struggling with mental health and/or social issues e.g. cyberbullying. Lifeline Australia - lifeline.org.au / ph: 13 11 14 Beyond Blue - beyondblue.org.au / 1300 22 4636 edit: aaaand YouTube has deleted my comment for including a link to a not-for-profit mental health support org. Excellent work by the auto-moderation bots once again. :/ It would be great if these details could go in the video description but I understand that it's not possible to list support services in every country.

Jan Prummel

Judging from the number of comments on YouTube, you hit an open nerve. Well done. I hope such sites will be banned, soon.