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1. We're doing a test stream using Crowdcast on Jan 9th at 10PM PT. It will be a very scuffed test stream and might only last 2 hours, but why not come chat about lewd things while my boobas are out?! ,':3c

^ Please still join the Discord and make sure your Lewd Club role is working and you can see the Lewd Club category and channels. As of right now, I still plan for the Discord channel to be our "stream chat."

2. "Season 1" Lewd Club VODs are going to be purged by January 9th. (Basically, grab them now if you want to save them.)

3. Basically, I'm a ~1 y/o content creator who is still learning how best to do this. Please be patient with me while I figure out how to be ethical and sexy at the same time. My number one rule for content creation is to put out content that I myself would watch and pay for.

= = =

Hey! As mentioned in the last announcement, billing is paused in January while I test out different, less scuffed platforms for lewd club. Let me explain some of the growing pains, which is ultimately a good thing to undergo now because it's just a sign that our lewdsome community is growing!

We started Lewd Club in February of last year on Picarto and it was free2watch before we moved behind Patreon around in September. The move was for a couple of reasons: Picarto's mobile app is not great and it has server issues connecting for homies not based in America, below 18 homies were trying to wiggle in, a nip nap slip slap model was coming and should be an extra special treat, Patreon would give me more funds for NSFW goodies, and so on, so forth.

Some major points I stopped to think about while sorting stuff out:

>> Trying to be ethical about reading doujinshis

Originally Lewd Club was kinda like a group of homies vibing and so I felt okay about me buying a doujinshi and all of us reading it together, sorta like a "homie I got the porno flick let's all gather around the TV." Then November rolled around and we're very suddenly 4x the size. So now, I'm realizing I've grown larger as a content creator and I should really do things more ethically, so I'm reaching out to some partnerships and even some doujinshi writers with official translations to see if we can arrange anything.

>> Finding the right NSFW streaming platform

Another thing about the lewd content creation scene was trying to find a good streaming platform. Keep in mind, I researched and made accounts and experimented with all of these.

- Picarto: Connection issues, 

- Discord: 50 homie limit and no binaural audio

- Plexstorm: Got hacked and shut down 

- ePlay + CB: Just wasn't the right vibe

My top choice right now is actually Crowdcast.io (which we will test this coming Sunday Jan 9th @ 10 PM PT) which directly syncs with Patreon. I just found out from a homie that they allow R18. I kid you not, at the beginning of last month, they didn't allow any mature content so I'm really excited to see if this works. The back up plan remains Chaturbate.

>> Content to expect from Lewd Club

Make sure you know what you're signing up for! BASICALLY, the essence of Lewd Club is:

- showcasing hentai + lewd games that can't be played anywhere else. some of them have some really cool and obscure sexy mechanics

- reiyu's unadulterated thoughts about hentai and lewd stuff

- reiyu trying to live act hentai or Gone Wild Audio scripts and laughing at porn logic but still trying to voice the lines seriously in that deep, sultry meme voice

- you know when you're watching hentai and it's kind of lame and you briefly glance over and the ad has better porn and you nut to that instead? that's kinda what i want but with my live2d boobas

That's all I got for you right now, but who knows what the future holds?!

Real talk, homies, I'll probably never be able to seriously do a 3D model show where I go to town on myself... I think that a lot of people think that might be the direction Lewd Club is headed. I'm more of a "let's talk and laugh over this lewd stuff" >>> "here's me having to pretend to do lewd things and faking it bc a real orgasm would knock me tf out and i'd curl up and go 2 bed immediately."

(This isn't me saying other lewd content creators are faking it, but that I wouldn't be able to fake it because I would get sleepy if I actually did anything. I also really value the authenticity of a content creator, ya know?)

I talked about it in the Lewd Club Discord channel, but the only "physically direct" lewd content I'd be interested in doing is maybe handcam stuff or syncing up a vibe with a difficult videogame like Sekiro. (That's not going to be any time soon, however.)

>> Why should I get the $10 tier over the $5 tier?

$5 watch a homie tier is just if you want to support a homie and if you want to see some lewd VODs.

(I've been scrounging the Internet for a long time so I know what's up--I know someone out there is gonna save them all and distribute them for free in a catbox, but if you enjoy the content a lot, then please consider sliding me $5 for more lewdsome goods. I put a lot of the money I get back into content creation and exploring lewd content I'm also excited in, so I hope you know your money is in good, experimental hands.)

$10 lewd a homie tier is meant for the live chatting experience. It's all of us homies chatting live and memeing on hilarious lewd topics as it happens -- basically the Twitch experience you have with me right now but over lewd stuff.

Basically, if you enjoy the live Twitch experience of memeing... then consider this live experience of memeing on lewd content!

ALRIGHT, thanks for reading, homies. I'm excited to learn more about how to do all this with you guys going into 2022!


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