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Hey hey ghostlings and ghoulmies!

Our first Lewd Club is going to take place tomorrow, 12/12 at 10 PM PT!

Link to the Discord, where the show will be happening:

A couple of things to note, please:

> Please make sure that the Lewd Club role is working for you on the Discord. You should be able to see the LEWD CLUB category and channels. 

If you do not see it, please make sure that:

- You are a $10 tier homie
- You have been charged by Patreon.
- You have linked your Discord to your Patreon account.
- If you still do not see it, please reach out to a mod or to me.

* NOTE: My mods and I are not responsible if you miss out on Lewd Club because you didn't verify the role was working before the event, okay?!

> Lewd Club took of way harder than I thought it would. Discord can only handle 50 homies watching one stream. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I genuinely wasn't expecting so many homies to be interested in Lewd Club. At the start of December we had less than 50 homies signed up at the $10 tier. In the first two weeks of December, more and more homies showed up. Please be kind and keep in mind that I only had 10 days to try to think of a remedy to this situation. I am a new content creator and learning alongside you guys. ; w; /

For this first stream, in the event that more than 50 homies show up and Discord is full, I will also be streaming to Picarto. However, I will only engage with chat on Discord so you still get the "live" experience. I know this still opens up the gates to allow homies who didn't pledge to perceive the event, and I really don't want anyone to feel cheated of their money. Please give me until the next Lewd Club to think of an appropriate way to remedy this situation. If you have suggestions for this as well, let me know!

In any case, despite this hiccup, I'm sure we're going to have fun tomorrow!

> Lastly, all Patreon homies get to vote on what we're doing tomorrow!

Here are the choices for this week!


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